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Uber Scaled Solutions for AI-driven robotics

Empowering robotics companies with scalable data labeling, product testing, and global deployment solutions for precision, reliability, and scale.

Why partner with Uber Scaled Solutions?

Uber’s powerful data labeling, advanced testing frameworks, and global scalability support generative AI companies in creating high-quality, reliable models. With over 8 years of experience and a global network of AI-focused teams, Uber has end-to-end solutions that drive innovation, streamline operations, and accelerate time to market for generative AI applications.

High-precision data for robust models

uLabel’s multimodal capabilities provide critical data for building sophisticated robotics systems capable of nuanced intents and actions.

Reduced development time and faster time to market

Streamlined testing processes minimize delays, enabling rapid deployment and scaling across markets.

Resilient performance in real-world conditions

Simulation and testing of challenging operational scenarios makes sure robots can handle unpredictable environments and conditions.

Cost-effective scalability for high-growth robotics

Scalable infrastructure supports growing robotics companies as they expand, with reduced costs due to efficient processes.

Enhanced global reach through localized testing

Localization expertise across 100+ languages ensures that robots perform reliably in any region, accounting for diverse terrains, network conditions, and regulatory requirements.

Increased operational efficiency and safety

Comprehensive testing and pixel-precise annotation, including safety checks and user journey simulations, minimizes errors and enhances safety for operators and the environment.

How this could apply to you

  • Annotate complex data sources, including sensor readings and environmental elements, for effective model training in robotics.

    Impact: Accelerates the development of precise and responsive robotics systems

  • Test robotics applications under diverse real-world conditions, from warehouse floors to outdoor terrains.

    Impact: Ensures reliable performance across environments, minimizing operational risk and downtime

  • Validate system functionality in various global markets, accounting for environmental and infrastructure differences.

    Impact: Optimizes robots for international deployment with region-specific adaptations

  • Conduct thorough testing on system endurance, power consumption, and load-bearing capacity for high-demand use cases.

    Impact: Delivers scalable and resilient robotics solutions for long-term operation and minimal maintenance​

How we do this with our tools

  • uLabel tags complex data such as sensor readings, environmental cues, and object recognition, ensuring high-quality data for robotics models.

  • Supports diverse data types—including visual, LiDAR, audio, and haptic inputs—providing holistic datasets for advanced robotics use cases.

  • Tailors labeling requirements to each robotics project, from intricate object tracking to real-time environmental analysis.

  • Uses built-in quality checks to make sure labeled data is precise and reliable, reducing error rates and supporting faster model deployment.

  • За нас

    • Общ преглед

      • Над 8 години експертен опит

      • Над 30 възможности

      • Над 100 езика

      • Решения

        • Анотиране и етикетиране на данни

        • Тестване

        • Език и локализация

      • Отрасли

        • Автомобили & аудио-видео

        • Банкиране, финансови услуги и застрахователно дело

        • Управление на каталог

        • Чатботове/поддръжка на клиенти

        • Потребителски приложения

        • Електронна търговия/търговия на дребно

        • Генеративен изкуствен интелект

        • Здравен/медицински ИИ

        • Производство

        • Медии/развлечения

        • Роботика

        • Социални мрежи

        • Технологии

    • Предложения

      • Етикетиране на данни

        • Обосновка

        • Текст и език

        • Изображение

        • Медии

        • Търсене

      • Тестване

        • Функционално тестване от край до край

        • Лингвистично тестване

        • Достъпност и съответствие със стандартите

          • Оценка на модела

          • Тестване ефективността на приложенията

        • Локализация

          • Потребителски интерфейс на продукта

          • Маркетинг

          • Поддръжка

          • Правна информация

      • Технологии

        • uLabel

          • Силно конфигурируема UI платформа за всичките ви нужди, свързани с данни

          • uTask

            • Напълно конфигурируема платформа за управление в реално време на работния процес, оборудвана за всички ваши нужди

          • Testlab

            • Персонализираната платформа на Uber за тестово управление и тестване

          • uTranslate

            • Вътрешната платформа на Uber, която локализира приложенията за всички и навсякъде