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Buy exclusive Spurs packs through your Uber app

January 18, 2017 / San Antonio
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Back by popular demand, request tickets to see the Spurs play at the AT&T Center on Thursday via the Uber app. 

For Thursday’s game, riders can use the Spurs Tickets option to buy two (2) tickets for the price of $35/ticket and get a free ride to the stadium (up to $20).  Follow Uber San Antonio on Newsroom and Twitter for updates about in-app ticket sales for future games.

How to Request:

  1. ImageDownload the latest version of the Uber app.
  2. On January 19 from 9am-12pm, request ‘Spurs Tickets’ at the bottom of the screen.
  3. If connected, you will receive a call to confirm your details and your card will be charged $70 for two 200-level tickets to the Spurs game on January 19th.
  4. Bring your photo ID to Will Call to receive your tickets.

Tickets must be purchased in pairs. Requests available in San Antonio only. 
Demand will be high and availability limited.

Posted by Cindy Blass


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