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Helping the world move safely again

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve remained dedicated to removing transportation barriers to vaccination. That’s why we donated 10 million rides to help those who need it most.

Following updates to provincial guidelines, riders and drivers in Canada are no longer required by Uber to wear masks, unless required by law.*

However, as per Health Canada's advice, we strongly recommend wearing a mask depending on personal risk factors and infection rates in your area.

Remember: many people still feel safer wearing a mask because of personal or family health situations, so please be respectful of their preferences. And if you ever feel uncomfortable, you can always cancel the trip.

Updating our no-front-seat policy

Riders are no longer required to sit in the back seat. However, to give drivers space, we ask that riders only use the front seat if it’s required because of the size of their group.

Thank you for helping take care of one another

We know the pandemic has been difficult. But you’ve continued to go the extra mile to help protect our communities—whether it’s wearing a mask, making space for one another, or giving drivers the respect they deserve. Thank you for that.

It’s still important to take safety precautions while riding, driving, and delivering. So make sure to roll down the windows for extra airflow, sanitize your hands before and after trips or deliveries, and always cover your cough or sneeze.

Supporting Communities

See stories from around the world of how the 10 million commitment is moving communities forward, mile by mile — meal by meal.

Health and safety tips

We’re reminding everyone who uses Uber to follow advice from public health authorities. If you’re sick, stay home and away from others. Wash your hands frequently, and cover your cough or sneeze. For more information, visit the World Health Organization website.

Drivers and delivery people*

  • What to do if you’re feeling sick

    If you are feeling sick, the most important thing you can do right now is to stay home, if possible, to help prevent the spread of illnesses including COVID-19.

  • When driving customers

    • Cover your mouth and nose. If you sneeze or cough, do so into your elbow or a tissue.
    • It’s OK to ask for space. Although riders are allowed to sit in the front seat, it’s OK to ask them to sit in the back to give you more space.

    • For extra protection, wear a mask. We still strongly recommend wearing a mask.

    • Open the window. If possible, roll down the windows to improve ventilation.

  • If you’re delivering*

    • Drop off at the door. If the Uber Eats customer requests it, please leave deliveries at the door to help reduce contact.
    • Wash your hands. Please wash your hands or use hand sanitizer as often as you can.

Uber customers

  • When taking rides

    • Wash your hands. Before and after you ride.
    • Cover your mouth and nose. If you sneeze or cough, do so into your elbow or a tissue.
    • Sit in the back. Give your driver space by sitting in the back seat.
    • Open the window. If possible, roll down the window to improve ventilation.
    • For extra protection, wear a mask. we still strongly recommend wearing a mask.
  • When ordering through Uber Eats*

    • Request dropoff at the door. In the app, select “Leave at door” or use delivery notes to share your preferences. Make sure you’ll be available within 30 minutes.
    • Wash your hands. Especially after receiving your food order and before you eat it.

Restaurant partners

  • Guidance on food safety

    Based on guidance from public health authorities, restaurants are advised to follow best practices on food safety and packaging. This includes ensuring proper sanitization of surfaces, food handlers, and food preparation environments, and that all food is properly sealed in tamper-evident packaging.

    It is recommended that any locations where delivery people wait for orders are separate from food preparation areas. Restaurants are advised to contact their local public health authority in the event of any suspected COVID-19 cases.

  • Giving delivery options to customers

    Uber Eats customers have the option to use delivery notes to communicate how they’d like their orders delivered on Uber Eats. They may include a note like “Please leave my order at the door.”

    Delivery people can see these instructions and communicate with customers through the app.


*Masks may still be required by law in some areas. Please check your local requirements regarding COVID-19 safety protocols. All users of the Uber platform are required to comply with applicable laws and regulations while using Uber.