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Uber Suppliers

Understand the role you play in the invoice process and how to get paid in a timely manner.

How to Invoice

Find out more about invoicing options

Terms and Conditions

For suppliers providing goods and services to Uber worldwide

Требования к счетам

Specific invoice requirements by region and country

Invoice Status

View the status of your invoice

Supplier Code of Conduct

View Uber's standards on how our suppliers conduct business


View frequently asked questions around the invoicing process

Обратная связь

Reach out to us directly

Uber Early Pay

Learn more about Uber's early payment program and sign up

Uber Procure to Pay Process

How it Works

  • Uber sends a purchase order

    Once a supplier is onboarded an Uber employee creates a purchase order based on agreed upon pricing. The purchase order will be sent directly to the supplier.

  • Supplier sends invoice to Accounts Payable

    Upon receipt of the purchase order, the supplier will send an invoice referencing the order number and Bill-To entity on the purchase order to Accounts Payable. Please send invoices to the email mentioned on the purchase order.

  • Supplier gets paid

    Once processed, Accounts Payable at Uber will pay the supplier based on the invoice dates and in accordance with payment terms.

    For questions, please find your region specific email alias via our Contact Us page.
