Access Link Riders’ Choice Program Pilot gains popularity with riders
November 30, 2023 / Global
NJ TRANSIT’s mission to improve paratransit on-time performance
Efficient and reliable transportation is crucial, especially for vulnerable individuals who rely on ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) paratransit services. As part of NJ TRANSIT’s ongoing commitment to improve the on-time performance (OTP) of its paratransit program, Access Link, the agency has proactively partnered with TNCs such as Uber.
Tackling OTP with non-dedicated resources
This partnership with TNCs (transportation network companies) to complement NJ TRANSIT’s paratransit program is called the Access Link Riders’ Choice Program Pilot, and it officially launched in May 2023 in 2 of 5 service regions. With the introduction of these non-dedicated resources for paratransit service, OTP for participating and non-participating customers has improved by up to 20%.
In its first 6 months of operation, the pilot program saw 4,000 customers opt in and provided over 100,000 rides. With each passing month, more riders are embracing the pilot, demonstrating increasing rider satisfaction and the growing popularity of this option.
“NJ TRANSIT strives to provide efficient and reliable transportation services to all of our customers, particularly those who are the most vulnerable,” said New Jersey Department of Transportation Commissioner and NJ TRANSIT Board Chair Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti. “The Riders’ Choice Pilot Program will improve Access Link reliability, while offering additional transportation options to customers of this crucial service.”
Missed trips and long on-board times cause significant inconvenience and frustration for riders. To lessen those issues, ADA paratransit providers need to work to maintain an acceptable OTP, as identified by the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund. It’s one of ADA paratransit’s biggest challenges.
The pilot program’s inclusion of Uber platform allows NJ TRANSIT’s third-party operator, Easton Coach, to optimize its fleet of wheelchair-accessible vehicles (WAVs) more effectively. When dedicated WAVs are too engaged or service is disrupted, eligible paratransit riders can choose to ride with Uber. By redirecting these riders to a non-dedicated alternative, more dedicated Access Link WAVs become available for scheduling and routing—which not only benefits non-ambulatory riders who rely on WAVs but also enhances convenience and reliability for all Access Link customers.
“This pilot program is a perfect example of how NJ TRANSIT is leveraging innovative partnerships to enhance our Access Link service,” said NJ TRANSIT President & CEO Kevin S. Corbett. “By adding Uber and Lyft as travel options, we will improve the Access Link travel experience for our customers while making it more cost-effective for NJ TRANSIT.”
The Access Link Riders’ Choice Program Pilot is currently available across NJ TRANSIT Regions 2 and 5, serving the following counties: Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Essex, Gloucester, Morris, Salem, Somerset, Union, and parts of Hudson.
Map of service areas for Regions 2 and 5
Behind the scenes
The pilot maintained the familiar reservation process, requiring riders to schedule their trip at least a day in advance, ensuring a seamless transition for riders while expanding their transportation options. To use TNCs, eligible Access Link riders first enroll in the pilot and opt in to the TNCs of their choice. At the time of booking their trip, they indicate if they’re open to being cross-dispatched to a choice provider for that trip. If the trip becomes eligible for cross-dispatching to TNCs due to a service disruption, the customer will be notified.
Behind the scenes, NJ TRANSIT dispatchers use Uber’s booking tool, Central, to request more than 200 trips with Uber at the start of each service day. This allows their team to arrange rescue trips for rider requests that could not be accommodated on the dedicated Easton Coach fleet. Once a trip is scheduled with Uber, the rider receives a text or an IVR call with trip details.
Text notification for upcoming Uber trip
Gains in popularity among riders
The adoption of TNCs and the emphasis on matching the right rider to the right ride represents a thoughtful approach to paratransit service delivery. This approach underscores the importance of meeting the accessibility needs of every rider and valuing their time as a precious resource.
Access Link Riders’ Choice Program Pilot trips served with Uber for Regions 2 and 5
Opportunities for growth
Given the initial success, there’s an opportunity for further expansion and continued evaluation of TNCs to assess their effectiveness in improving OTP and rider satisfaction. Currently, the program is limited to offering services exclusively within 2 of NJ TRANSIT’s 5 service regions, covering only a fraction of its extensive 5,325-square-mile service area.
While OTP remains challenged by factors such as the CDL (Commercial Driver’s License) operator shortage, rider no-shows, traffic delays, and other variables that are less controllable, NJ TRANSIT’s inclusion of TNCs in its paratransit operations stands as an effective strategy for tackling this multifaceted challenge.
Besides improving reliability, NJ TRANSIT also anticipates being able to reduce its overall cost per passenger trip. These operational expense savings can then be strategically reinvested to fund other initiatives aimed at further improving OTP and overall service.
More information
If you’re a mobility manager interested in partnering with Uber Transit, please visit uber.com/transit for more information.
Posted by Uber Transit
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