Flavor of the Week: #UberIceCream
Written byHelado. Aisukurīmu. Crème glacée. Sorvete. No matter how you say it, ice cream is delicious in every language. There’s a shared love for this frozen treat — one that transcends seasons, borders, and cultures. That’s why one day every year Uber brings the ice cream to you — no matter where you are. It’s that time of year again — #UberIceCream is coming to over 400 cities on Friday, July 15th.
This year, we are thrilled to partner with ice cream brands to deliver delicious ice cream bars across the globe. From Abu Dhabi to Zurich, each city is adding their local flavor by making ice cream deliveries by land, sea and sky.
So join us for a global ice cream social on Friday. Indulge in a sweet treat with your friends and share with the #UberIceCream hashtag!
Visit our website to get the full scoop.