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Uber Community: The Ladies Series

4 March 2018 / Zurich
Featured image for Uber Community: The Ladies Series

The Uber community is constantly growing in Switzerland, thanks to our riders and driver-partners. We’re thrilled about the fast and stable growth of our local community, that beautifully reflects the diversity of Switzerland. In this blog series, we’re highlighting your stories. After Bea PetriAnna Känzig, Cristina Riesen, and Louisa Gisler we’re delighted to present another strong woman today:




Kafi Freitag answers readers’ questions on her blog “Frag Frau Freitag” (“Ask Ms. Freitag”) since 2011. In addition to that, she offers coaching with a focus on process orientation, and is an independent strategy consultant for companies. Kafi Freitag is mother to a 14-year-old son and lives in Zurich. She is an ambassador for Modissa and Volvo Schweiz AG, yet is glad to be driven around now and then.

ImageYour professional experience is diverse: you’ve worked in banking, in the fashion industry, in education and in journalism. How did you find the courage to start anew in different industries and to reinvent yourself?

I needed time to find out who I am and what I’m good at. My CV looks insane; I know. However, I am a great coach today because of the things I’ve learned in my past jobs. Among other roles, I was an investment advisor at a large Swiss bank, and an assistant at a therapeutic pedagogy school. That range of experiences is also an advantage in my work as a corporate strategy consultant, because I can understand any and all situations.



You’re a prominent woman in the Swiss online world. Why did you decide to venture out and become self-employed? Was this the right decision or would you have done something different in hindsight?

If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in all of these stages in my professional life, it’s that it is difficult for me to be constrained to a system. My ADHD and me are not so easily led by outside forces. I perform at my best when I have the freedom to organize myself as I please. Self-employment is right for a certain type of person. Entrepreneurial thinking is not enough in order to thrive as a self-employed person. You also need to be able to handle uncertainty, risk and pressure. Most people need security, which isn’t there as an entrepreneur. I often hear people say “I wish I had my own practice, I could set it up nicely”. How naive! For me, self-employment was the best decision.


ImageWhat’s your advice for young women, who want to further develop in their career, but aren’t sure how to go about it?


I would tell any young person to have the courage to try things out. That’s the only way to find out what is a good fit for you. Try to follow your passion, not the money. If you’re interested in something, you’ll be creative and productive in that field, which will ultimately lead to success.


ImageYou’re speaking at the Modissa Event for International Women’s Day about the fact that women have difficulty accepting compliments. What is the most beautiful compliment you’ve ever received?

One of my teachers once told me that, while my grades are worrisome, he will never worry about me. This sentence still accompanies me today. He was right–I can rely on myself. Compliments have great power, so we should make more room in our lives to accept them!


ImageWe’re thrilled to have you as part of the Uber community in Switzerland. How does Uber integrate into your daily life?


I take an Uber when I need a ride and want to avoid the unfriendly Zurich taxi drivers. I’m not sure why, but with Uber I only experience nice encounters. The app is also great. Although I won’t forgive you for newly picking me up at a street corner nearby, instead of my front door!


Where do you find love in your life? Through giving advice, coaching, etc? 
Love is all around me! For example, when a happy coaching customer hugs me before leaving, and when I see her returning for another session. Love is in the kindness of a stranger, in the encouraging comments from a teacher, in my son’s school essay. Love is everywhere. You just have to see it and accept it.

Posted by Maria


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