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Uber AI, Engineering

Modeling Censored Time-to-Event Data Using Pyro, an Open Source Probabilistic Programming Language

15 February 2019 / Global
Featured image for Modeling Censored Time-to-Event Data Using Pyro, an Open Source Probabilistic Programming Language
SoftwareBUGS / JAGS [1] STANPyMCTensorFlow Probability [4] Pyro
Coding language Domain Specific Language [2] Domain Specific LanguagePythonPythonPython
Underlying computational engineSelf STAN Math LibraryTheano [3] TensorFlow [5] PyTorch [6]  
Figure 1. This scatterplot depicts true underlying event time and observed event time against predictor.
Figure 2: Histogram of sampled values for a.
Figure 3: Model loss plotted against number of iterations.
Hesen Peng

Hesen Peng

Hesen Peng is a senior data scientist at Uber’s Rider Data Science team.

Fritz Obermeyer

Fritz Obermeyer

Fritz is a research engineer at Uber AI focusing on probabilistic programming. He is the engineering lead for the Pyro team.

Posted by Hesen Peng, Fritz Obermeyer