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Engineering, Backend

Lucene: Uber’s Search Platform Version Upgrade

5 September / Global
Featured image for Lucene: Uber’s Search Platform Version Upgrade
Figure 1: Glimpse of Uber’s Search use-cases.
Figure 2: Search Platform High Level Architecture.
Figure 3: Software Stack upgrade.
    Figure 4:  Micro-repo Development.
 Figure 5:  Mono-repo development.
Figure 6: Branch Build Automation Pipeline.
Figure 7: Search Validation Framework.
Figure 8: Rollout via blue green setup.
Figure 9: CPU utilization improvements post upgrade.
Figure 10: Latency improvements post upgrade.
Anand Kotriwal

Anand Kotriwal

Anand Kotriwal is a Senior Software Engineer on the Search Platform team at Uber.His work is focused on developing features that improve user experience, and enhancing search engine efficiency and performance.

Aparajita Pandey

Aparajita Pandey

Aparajita Pandey is a Software Developer in Uber’s Search Platform Team . Her work at Uber focuses on enhancing search experience for users

Charu Jain

Charu Jain

Charu Jain is an Engineering Manager for Uber’s Search Platform for over two years. She has been working at Uber Bangalore for almost seven years and has worked across multiple teams.

Yupeng Fu

Yupeng Fu

Yupeng Fu is a Principal Software Engineer on Uber’s Data team. He leads several streaming teams building scalable, reliable, and performant streaming solutions. Yupeng is an Apache Pinot committer.

Posted by Anand Kotriwal, Aparajita Pandey, Charu Jain, Yupeng Fu