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How to apply a promo code

21 April 2017 / Pune
Featured image for How to apply a promo code

To unlock our special promos, all you have to do is apply the code to your Uber account with these simple steps:

New Uber App:

To enter a promo code on the new Uber app:
1. Tap the menu button in the top left corner of your Uber app.
2. Tap the ‘Payment’ option.
3. Tap ‘Add Promo/Gift Code’ option.
4. Enter your promo/gift code.
5. Click on ‘Promotions’ to see all active promos applied to your account



Old Uber App:

To enter a promo code on the old Uber app:
1. Open the Uber app. Tap on the Menu button (top-left corner).
2. Tap on ‘Promotions’.
3. Tap on ‘ADD PROMO CODE’. Enter the code now.
4. Click on ‘Apply’

And that’s it! The promo code you have entered will be applied to your account, so go ahead and #UberOn!

Posted by Maitreyi Jain


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