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Culture, Engineering

Second Uber Science Symposium: Showcasing Developments in Programming Systems and Tools

May 3, 2019 / Global
Featured image for Second Uber Science Symposium: Showcasing Developments in Programming Systems and Tools
Adam Welc

Adam Welc

Adam Welc is a Senior Engineer at Uber's Programming Systems Team, where he currently works on application analysis and performance tuning as well as on developing tools to improve developers' experience. More generally, his professional interests are in the area of programming language design, implementation, and tooling with specific focus on run-time system and compiler optimizations. Adam has over ten years of experience working with with different types of virtual machines (ART, HotSpot JVM, AVM, ORP JVM, Jikes RVM, J9 JVM), compilers (GreenMarl, ASC, StarJIT), and other large and complicated frameworks and systems (ProGuard, D8, ReDex, Truffle framework, STM runtime for Intel's C/C++ compiler). He holds a PhD in Computer Science from Purdue University.

Posted by Adam Welc