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Highlights from the April 2024 NZ Advisory Forum

23 July 2024 / New Zealand
Featured image for Highlights from the April 2024 NZ Advisory Forum

In April 2024, we held the third advisory forum in Auckland with driver-partners from across New Zealand to discuss the challenges of navigating towards pickup and drop off and informing riders to do the right thing. Members of Uber’s operations team were present to listen to advisors’ feedback.

Open Hours and the Have Your Say Survey

We want to thank the driver-partners who provided feedback on the nominated topics by booking a call with an advisor1 through Open Hours or answering the Have Your Say survey.

Advisors brought what they heard through Open Hours into the discussion. We provided them driver-partner feedback through copies of the Have Your Say survey.

Quick stats

  • Advisors completed 70 hours of Open Hours calls
  • Advisors called 209 individual driver-partners (68% more than last year)
  • More than 100 driver-partners provided feedback through the Have Your Say survey

What we heard:

While some driver-partners said they were happy with the Uber maps, a large majority said that Uber Maps need to be updated more often. Some driver-partners also shared their concerns that submitting maps updates through the recently launched feature, User Generated Content, don’t make a difference. They stressed the importance of accurate maps, especially during pick-up and drop-offs. 

Driver-partners found that the messaging feature available on the app was helpful, especially when riders would message them and provide helpful instructions during pickup. However, they also shared difficulties around communicating with riders to do the right thing, especially when this could result in a lower rating for the driver-partner.

“In Dunedin at the moment there are major roadworks and the map is very incorrect. I submit updates to the map a lot and haven’t noticed any changes.”

– driver-partner from Dunedin

1 The advisory forum is facilitated by an independent agency, RPS Group. 

Topic 1: Navigating towards pick-up and drop off

What’s working?

Advisors were largely happy that driver-partners were now able to report issues to Uber’s maps through User Generated content. As the primary users, they felt they were best placed to suggest map updates, as they frequently drive in the area.

    Opportunity areas:

    • Driver-partners were supportive of improvements to Uber maps through the launch of User Generated Content. This included: adding an ability for driver-partners to report map issues after the fact, more frequent updates, and the ability to see when a report they made has been actioned. 
    • Driver-partners say the difficulties around navigating towards pick-up are because the pick-up point is represented incorrectly in the map, and that riders are often waiting at the wrong location. Advisors suggest Uber think about ways to improve this for a seamless pickup and drop off experience.
    • Driver-partners said that pickups during Reservations and in Airports could be improved. Advisors noted that they wanted to know the pick-up location in advance, so that they could arrive at that location shortly before the trip starts. They also said that they wanted wayfinding for airports could be improved for both riders and driver-partners. 

    Topic 2: Informing riders to do the right thing

    What’s working?

    Driver-partners found that the messaging feature available on the app was helpful, especially when riders would message them and provide helpful instructions during pickup.

    Opportunity areas:

    • Driver-partners said that riders take a long time during multi-stop trips.
    • Driver-partners report that some riders vape, smoke, or drink in their cars. Advisors suggested that Uber add a button on the app so driver-partners can report these types of rider behaviour to Uber. Uber can then send reminders to these riders. 
    • Driver-partners note that riders don’t realise that only one rider per booking is allowed per Uber Pool trip. Advisors suggested that Uber should make it clearer in the rider app that only one person is allowed per booking. IN addition, they said that when this happens, driver-partners should be allowed to cancel without it affecting their cancellation rating. 

    Positive changes

    We want to thank the advisors who engaged with us and the driver-partners who provided their feedback during Open Hours and through the Have Your Say Survey. We are developing further recommendations based on the discussion points to help improve the driver-partner experience. Updates on changes will be communicated through ‘The Pit Stop’, Uber’s quarterly newsletter that focuses on the actions we’ve taken in response to feedback from you.

    Posted by Uber New Zealand

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