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How to Get a Better GAN (Almost) for Free: Introducing the Metropolis-Hastings GAN

November 1, 2018 / Global
Featured image for How to Get a Better GAN (Almost) for Free: Introducing the Metropolis-Hastings GAN
Figure 1: The contour diagram shows how GAN training is an adversarial process, alternating between minimizing and maximizing the joint value function. The generator G optimizes for orange, and the discriminator D optimizes for purple. If GAN training ends at (D, G), where G is imperfect but D is perfect for that G, we can obtain a new generator G’ that perfectly models the data distribution by sampling from the pD distribution.
Figure 2: MH takes K samples in a chain and accepts or rejects each one based on an acceptance rule. The output of this chain is the last accepted sample. For MH-GAN, the K samples are generated from G, and the outputs of independent chains are samples from MH-GAN’s generator G’.
Figure 3: Consider the case where the real data is a univariate mixture of four Gaussians, and the generator’s density distribution has a missing mode. MH-GAN and DRS without ? shift are able to recover the mode, though the latter has a much larger number of samples rejected before first accept.
Figure 4: Consider the case where the real samples come from 25 2D Gaussian distributions. The GAN and DRS look similar in that both miss some modes, though DRS samples are more concentrated around the modes, while MH-GAN is more similar to the actual data. The right figure shows that MH-GAN has lower Jensen-Shannon divergence than base GAN and DRS.

Figure 5: Inception score results for CIFAR-10 and CelebA comparing a base GAN, DRS, and MH-GAN with and without calibration (higher is better). The table results are taken at epoch 60.
R. Turner

R. Turner

Ryan Turner was a former Senior Research Scientist at Uber.

Jane Hung

Jane Hung

Jane Hung is a Research Engineer at Uber AI where she works with product teams to develop new and better products by applying machine learning recommendation models. She has worked with teams like Airports, Driver Forecasting, and Driver Engagements.

Yunus Saatci

Yunus Saatci

Yunus Saatci is a senior research scientist with Uber AI Labs.

Jason Yosinski

Jason Yosinski

Jason Yosinski is a former founding member of Uber AI Labs and formerly lead the Deep Collective research group.

Posted by R. Turner, Jane Hung, Yunus Saatci, Jason Yosinski