Every day, we help millions of people across the world go anywhere and get anything – and while the destinations are all different, the feeling of someone showing up for you is the same. 

At Uber, we use the power of our platform to enable people to show up for others. It’s that very sentiment that inspired our latest brand campaign: On our way. We’ve brought together everything that we do across Uber and distilled it down to three simple words that hold a tremendous amount of meaning. 

On our way depicts the joy and delight that we all get when we see a ride is en route or a delivery is on the way. The feeling of someone showing up for you is widely universal and uniquely human – especially at a time when people are more isolated than ever before, it feels good to know that someone is on their way. 

As the Games are synonymous with fans showing up for their countries and athletes, On our way will debut today during the Opening Ceremony. If you’re tuning in, you’ll also hear Uber’s first ever sonic. To continue linking our brands, we developed a sound that translates the Uber brand into an audio cue. Reflecting the promise of Uber – tap a button, and we’re on our way – the sonic will be woven into future campaigns and the app in the coming months.