Taking City Visualization into the Third Dimension with Point Clouds, 3D Tiles, and deck.gl
29 October 2019 / GlobalTo better understand Uber’s aerial ridesharing and business data in the context of urban mobility, our engineers and data scientists routinely visualize large geospatial data sets. One of Uber’s primary tools for working with these data sets is deck.gl, our open source web-based geospatial visualization framework. Highly GPU-accelerated, deck.gl is capable of fluidly visualizing and animating several million data items on modern laptop computers.
However, the size of geospatial data sets is growing rapidly and is already several orders of magnitude bigger than what many open source visualization tools can handle. Accordingly, the Uber Visualization team has been looking for technologies that would enable visualization of even bigger data sets in the browser.
One option we assessed for this task was 3D Tiles, a technology developed by Cesium that lets applications stream in only those parts of large geospatial data sets that they need to render a specific view at the desired level of detail. This technology reduces the amount of data that needs to be loaded and displayed at any given time with several orders of magnitude, and it quickly became clear to us that 3D Tiles would be an excellent tool to help render our massive point clouds.
In collaboration with the engineering team at Cesium, we leveraged deck.gl and loaders.gl, our open source suite of loaders for big data visualization, and 3D Tile technology, to develop a way for teams at Uber to quickly and seamlessly render large-scale data sets for enhanced visualizations that feature rich, city-scale point clouds. With these visualizations, we can better understand and thus serve the urban communities that use our transportation and delivery solutions.
Geospatial data at scale
Uber harnesses visualizations to provide insights about the ways cities move, giving us the knowledge necessary to improve user experiences on our platform. Large geospatial data sets power these visualizations, and can be roughly measured by their number of “features” (which for point clouds will be “points”):
- City scale data: ~hundreds of millions of features (e.g., point cloud of a city’s buildings).
- Country scale data: ~one trillion points features (e.g., the Netherlands, which is made up of 640 billion points).
- Continental scale data: ~tens of trillions of points (e.g. the USGS / Entwine visualization)
The size of these data sets depends on how much detail is captured per area unit, and this is likely to increase in the future (as processing power and storage capacities increase).
To understand these data sets and how they reflect the cities we live in, our team turns to visualization. In addition to being aesthetically stunning, the wealth of geographic detail in these data sets provides many valuable insights on their own. And more importantly, they serve as a powerful backdrop onto which traditional geospatial data visualizations can be superimposed, highlighting correlations and causal relationships that are not evident when just looking at the data and a flat base map.
3D tile technology lets us break through the million point barrier in current GPU renderers and lets us incrementally load these massive data sets that are many orders of magnitude larger than what can be visualized with traditional methods, while still allowing fluid 3D visualization in our web browser.
Uber Air network planning
Figure 2. We can visualize Uber Air simulated flights at scale with Uber’s internal visualization suite.
Aerial ridesharing can improve transportation in cities around the world by unlocking mobility bandwidth in the third dimension. However, designing optimal aerial ridesharing networks, airspace management solutions, and operational aids requires a robust 3D visualization framework.
3D Tiles can present massive geospatial data sets in a meaningful way for Elevate, Uber’s aviation initiative. Initial 3D point clouds of downtown Melbourne (an Uber Air international launch city) show the potential of visualization in improving Uber Air network design. With it, we can more rapidly consider 3D obstructions and validate safe departure and approach pathways.
Visualizing urban landscapes is only the beginning. In the future, we plan to extend our visualization capabilities to include natural terrain, airspace rules, existing air traffic, and many more data sets key to unlocking a network strategy that can be deployed at scale.
Our vision is ambitious but achievable in the next decade with the help of regulators, vehicle designers, communities, infrastructure partners, cities, and network operators. With 3D Tiles, we are better equipped to seamlessly integrate Uber Air into our communities.
3D Tiles overview
3D Tiles technology solves the data scale problem in a conceptually simple way, as it allows big data sets to be segmented into a spatial hierarchy of tiles, such that only tiles that are visually significant from the user’s current vantage point are loaded and rendered. As a user zooms in, they no longer need to look at the tiles around them, instead, peering deeper into the spatial hierarchy of tile sets, which reveals tiles with increasingly fine detail.
For those interested in learning more about how this technology works, there are a number of available online resources that explain the concepts around the spatial hierarchy that underpins 3D Tiles.
3D Tile formats
We chose to start with implementing the OGC 3D Tiles community standard (because of the availability of open source CesiumJS code to use as a starting point, and the support provided by Cesium), but this is not the only available format. In fact, there are multiple companies and even individuals working on developing 3D tile style formats.
To date, the OGC (Open Geospatial Consortium) has two complementary 3D Tiles standards:
- The Cesium-driven 3D Tiles standard
- The ESRI-driven i3s (Indexed 3D Scene Layers) standard
These two standards were developed independently but cover similar feature sets that not only support point clouds but also textured geometries and even “architectural building layers” that can provide the interior structure of buildings to support “digital twin