How much does a ride with Uber cost?
Plan your next trip with the price estimator.
How much does a ride with Uber cost?
Plan your next trip with the price estimator.
How much does a ride with Uber cost?
Plan your next trip with the price estimator.
How prices are estimated
In most cities, your cost is calculated up front, before you confirm your ride. In others, you will see an estimated price range (see applicable price terms in your city). Here are some fees and factors that can affect your price:
Base rate
The base rate is determined by the time and distance of a trip.
Operating fee
In your city, a flat fee might be added to each trip. It helps support operational, regulatory, and safety costs.
Busy times and areas
When there are more riders than available drivers, prices may temporarily increase until the marketplace is rebalanced.
Making money by using Uber’s Driver app
Drive or deliver (or both) using Uber whenever you want, and make money on your schedule.
Find out what resources and promotions can help you maximize your earnings.
Frequently asked questions
- When do I get charged for a ride?
After you arrive at your destination and exit the vehicle, your final cost will be automatically calculated and charged to the payment method you’ve set.
- Can I get a ride with Uber from an airport?
Down Small Yes, you can request a ride to and from most major airports around the world. Go to our airports page to find the locations where Uber is available.
- Can I pay for an Uber trip with cash?
Down Small In most cities, Uber is designed to be a cashless experience. In cities where cash payments are available, this option must be selected before you request your ride.
- How do I get a price estimate in the app?
Down Small Open the app and input your destination in the “Where to?” box. The price estimate for each ride option will appear; scroll to see what’s available in your area.