Car hire in Calabasas, United States
Browse vehicles from popular car-hire companies in Calabasas with Uber Car Hire. From electric cars and hatchbacks to SUVs, you'll find vehicles fit for solo travellers and groups with up to 7 people. Enter your time and location details (like Hollywood Burbank Airport) to find a hire car near you.
Car hire in Calabasas, United States
Browse vehicles from popular car-hire companies in Calabasas with Uber Car Hire. From electric cars and hatchbacks to SUVs, you'll find vehicles fit for solo travellers and groups with up to 7 people. Enter your time and location details (like Hollywood Burbank Airport) to find a hire car near you.
Car hire in Calabasas, United States
Browse vehicles from popular car-hire companies in Calabasas with Uber Car Hire. From electric cars and hatchbacks to SUVs, you'll find vehicles fit for solo travellers and groups with up to 7 people. Enter your time and location details (like Hollywood Burbank Airport) to find a hire car near you.
Reasons to hire a car with Uber
Same-day hire cars
Life happens unexpectedly. Don't let it slow you down. With same-day reservations, unexpected car troubles and last-minute travel plans are no match for Uber Car Hire. Pick your vehicle up at Hollywood Burbank Airport or another place, then hit the road to keep moving forward.
Seamless reservations
Booking hire cars in Calabasas is as easy as requesting a trip with UberX. You can compare hire cars near and far from your location and complete your reservation in the Uber app or online.
Extensive vehicle options
For the family searching for a comfortable van, the business professional in need of a stylish trip, and more, consider Uber Car Hire. You'll find vehicles of different sizes and models to accommodate your preferences and budget. There's something for everyone.
Search for the best deals on car hire in Calabasas
Uber Car Hire empowers people like you to search for car-hire deals in Calabasas with ease.
Reserve in the app or online to compare quality vehicles from trusted brands. Book in seconds and get behind the wheel in minutes.
A wide range of hire cars, from hatchbacks to SUVs, are readily available for last-minute car-hire needs or trips planned in advance. Enjoy same-day car-hire bookings or make reservations ahead of time so travel plans are behind you.
Where you travel is your choice too. Hit the road for a relaxing weekend getaway near or far from Calabasas or reduce wear and tear on your own wheels while driving to Erewhon for errands. Consider heading to your favourite holiday spot with family and friends, all in your hire car.
Whatever your needs, make the journey as memorable as the destination by booking a hire car with Uber Car Hire today.
Hire with Uber to travel at a discount
Get up to £10 in Uber credit to request a trip to pick your hire car up.*
How to book hire cars with Uber Car Hire
Book your car hire online
To start your reservation, select the button below to visit Uber Car Hire online or in the Uber app (you'll need to be signed in to Uber or create an account). Choose the Car Hire icon, then enter the address that your hire car pick-up/drop-off will be near and the times and dates that your reservation will start and end. Browse vehicles, compare prices and consider including add-ons.
Pick up your hire car
Go to the car hire location with your driving licence and physical credit card at the time referenced in your reservation in the Uber app. Note that the name on the credit card must match the name on the main car-hire driver's licence.
You'll also need an additional form of ID or proof of address. A passport is considered an additional form of ID, and a bill with your name on it, such as a utility bill, can be used as proof of address.
Enjoy £10 off your Uber trip to the hire location.*
Return your hire car
When your reservation is over, return your vehicle to the location indicated in the reservation.
Frequently asked questions
- What is Uber Car Hire?
Uber Car Hire helps people book car hire directly through the Uber app or online. We partner with third-party vehicle companies so you get a great selection of cars and prices in Calabasas.
- How do I hire a car with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas?
Down Small To book your hire car with the Uber app, select the Car Hire tile followed by Find cars at the bottom of the screen to start your reservation. To reserve a hire car online, visit the hire booking page on and follow the directions to complete your reservation.
- What are the requirements to hire a car with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas?
Down Small You must be at least 18 years old to hire a car with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas. A Young Driver Fee may apply for drivers under age 25, in addition to the standard car-hire rate. There may be additional requirements depending on the vehicle and the supplier you select. You can view these requirements in the Terms and Conditions linked in the "More information" section after you select Manage reservation.
- How much does it cost on average to hire a car in Calabasas with Uber Car Hire for a week?
Down Small - Can I cancel or change my reservation in Calabasas?
Down Small Yes, you can cancel your reservation for free and for any reason in Calabasas if you pay at the counter. You can cancel for free with in-app reservations if you cancel up to 48 hours before your pick-up time. Fees and rules depend on the supplier.
To view the rental terms and conditions, select Manage reservation on the "Upcoming hire" screen in the Uber app, then View details on the "Your reservations" screen.
Currently, you can only change your reservation in-app, and changes can only be made before the reservation starts.
- What car hire suppliers are most popular with people using Uber Car Hire in Calabasas?
Down Small Popular car-hire suppliers vary from city to city. Depending on where you're hiring, you'll find car-hire suppliers such as Budget and Hertz. After entering your reservation details in the Uber app or online, you can browse the car-hire suppliers available in Calabasas.
- Do I need my own insurance to hire a car in Calabasas with Uber Car Hire?
Down Small No, you don't need personal car insurance to hire a car with Uber Car Hire. When you arrive at the hire location to pick your vehicle up, the car-hire company can offer several types of car-hire insurance plans and protection products to help protect you in case of an accident.
- Can I reserve a hire car the same day with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas?
Down Small Yes, you can reserve a hire car the same day with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas. Enter your pick-up and drop-off details online or in the Uber app to review available car hire near you.
- What payment methods does Uber Car Hire accept in Calabasas?
Down Small Where the option to pay in-app is available, you can use any payment method, including debit cards, to pay for your car hire in Calabasas, but you must bring a physical credit card to the hire location for pick-up. The name on the credit card must match the name on the primary hire driver's licence.
- Are hire cars available for pick-up at Hollywood Burbank Airport?
Down Small - Do I need to refill the fuel before returning a hire car booked with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas?
Down Small To view the hire terms and conditions, such as whether you need to refill the fuel in your hire car, select Manage reservation on the "Upcoming hire" screen in the Uber app, then View details on the "Your reservations" screen.
- Who do I contact if the hire car breaks down in Calabasas?
Down Small If your car breaks down in Calabasas, you should contact the hire company responsible for providing your vehicle.
To view the hire customer support information, choose Manage reservation on the "Upcoming hire" screen in the Uber app, then View details on the "Your reservations" screen. Under "More information", select Get help to find the contact details.
- Are luxury hire cars available with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas?
Down Small To see if luxury hire cars are available with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas, use the Uber app or visit the Uber Car Hire page online. Choose the Car hire tile in the app and add your reservation details to view the available vehicles.
- Can I hire a pick-up truck with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas?
Down Small You can verify the availability of pick-up trucks in Calabasas with the app or online. While signed in to your Uber account from a mobile device, choose Car hire and enter your reservation details. Then select the filters icon to see if pick-up trucks are available. From a desktop computer, visit the Uber Car Hire page, then add your reservation details. Choose the Large filter to verify the availability of pick-up trucks in Calabasas.
- Can I hire a van with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas?
Down Small You can verify if hire vans are available in Calabasas online or with the app. While signed in to your Uber account from a mobile device, choose the Car hire tile and enter your reservation details to see if vans are available. If you're using a desktop computer, visit the Uber Car Hire page, then enter your reservation details to verify if vans are available.
- Can I hire removal vans with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas?
Down Small No, you can't hire removal vans with Uber Car Hire in Calabasas. While signed in to your account, tap the filter icon in the top-right-hand corner on a mobile device or choose Large from a desktop computer to find the largest available vehicle options near your pick-up and drop-off locations.
- Can I hire a car to drive and make money with Uber?
Down Small Yes, you can hire a car to drive and make money with Uber in Calabasas. Find out more about how to hire a car with Uber to get paid as a driver and/or courier in Calabasas.
Uber is not responsible for the products and/or services offered by third parties or for the terms and conditions (including financial terms) under which those products and services are offered. Uber is not a car-hire broker or insurer/insurance intermediary. Uber will also provide the third parties with the data to enable use of their products and services and features that improve the user experience, including users' country of residence, currency and language, subject to Uber's Privacy Notice.
*For a limited time only, free £10 Uber credit offer is only available to users who have booked their hire car on Uber Car Hire and request a trip to a hire pick-up location in the United Kingdom for the date noted in their confirmation email. Maximum trip credit of £10 per trip. The offer will be valid for up to three Uber Car Hire bookings. Discount does not apply to surcharges, tolls or tips, and cannot be combined with other offers or discounts. Offer is non-transferable and subject to change. Promoter: Uber London Limited (company number: 08014782)
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