Need a taxi from Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle (PQI)?
Enjoy the flexibility of a taxi cab combined with Uber’s helpful app features by riding with Uber to or from PQI Airport instead. You can request on demand for last-minute trips, book 24/7 in-app or online, and get affordable upfront prices for every trip. Your airport ride is a few taps away.
Need a taxi from Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle (PQI)?
Enjoy the flexibility of a taxi cab combined with Uber’s helpful app features by riding with Uber to or from PQI Airport instead. You can request on demand for last-minute trips, book 24/7 in-app or online, and get affordable upfront prices for every trip. Your airport ride is a few taps away.
Need a taxi from Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle (PQI)?
Enjoy the flexibility of a taxi cab combined with Uber’s helpful app features by riding with Uber to or from PQI Airport instead. You can request on demand for last-minute trips, book 24/7 in-app or online, and get affordable upfront prices for every trip. Your airport ride is a few taps away.
Get directions for pickup at Presque Isle Airport
Already requested your ride? Open the app or choose the link below for accurate step-by-step directions to meet your driver outside.
Uber at PQI Airport
Welcome to the Uber ride option at Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle that’s ready when you are. You’ll also enjoy 24/7 requesting, helpful in-app safety features, and upfront pricing to budget ahead for your trip. Instead of a taxi, try this day-or-night ride option to head to or from the airport.
Variety of ride options
There’s more than one way to move with Uber. Select a ride option that fits the number of passengers you have plus your luggage.
Helpful safety features
Uber prioritizes safety for every rider to and from PQI Airport. In a few steps, you can access customer support and share trip details with loved ones. View driver profiles, too, to see ratings and more to get to know your driver before the trip begins.
Dedicated pickup location
Pickup locations may depend on the type of ride you request and the size of the airport. Follow the instructions in the app about where to meet your driver. You can also look for signs that point to designated airport rideshare zones.
Get the Uber app to request a ride to or from Presque Isle Airport
Rates for UberX from PQI Airport
View the average rate for UberX trips from Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle to help budget ahead of your airport ride with Uber.
On average, rides lasting 13 minutes from PQI cost $17.*
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the luggage capacity of an Uber ride?
The luggage capacity varies by Uber ride type. For example, an UberX ride can usually hold 2 suitcases while an UberXL ride can usually hold 3 suitcases.**
- Does Uber offer a flat rate to downtown like most Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle taxis?
Down Small No, Uber does not offer a flat rate from Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle. Riders can enjoy upfront pricing. See prices at the beginning of each trip to or from Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle. Note, however, that the price may be adjusted at the end of the trip if surcharges or tolls differ from the estimated upfront price.
- Are taxis available 24/7 at PQI Airport?
Down Small Experience taxi-like services and more from PQI Airport by requesting a ride with the Uber app. With UberX, you can request a ride on demand at any time and on any day.
- What’s the best app for booking taxis to and from Presque Isle Airport?
Down Small While you can’t request a taxi to and from PQI using Uber yet, consider requesting a trip with UberX directly from the Uber app. To get started, open the Uber app, enter your pickup and dropoff locations, then select UberX from the list of ride options. You’ll be matched with a driver to assist you with your trip.
- Can I tip my driver like I do with taxis?
Down Small Yes. You can use the Uber app to provide a tip, and giving cash directly to your driver is also an option (100% of your in-app tip goes directly to the driver).
- What safety features are available when I request a ride with Uber at Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle?
Down Small Safety is a top priority for every ride with Uber. You can access in-app safety features to help you stay protected from pickup to dropoff. Share trip details with contacts, access the emergency assistance button to call local authorities, and explore more safety features, all from the Uber app.
- What are some differences between requesting a ride from PQI Airport with Uber and hailing a taxi at the airport?
Down Small With the Uber app, you can request a ride 24/7 to connect with a driver, enjoy upfront prices, and access in-app safety features to help you stay protected while you ride.
- How many passengers can ride in an airport taxi compared with UberX?
Down Small With the Uber app, you can explore ride options that have rider limits ranging between 4 and 6 people. The passenger limit for a taxi at Northern Maine Regional Airport at Presque Isle in your area varies by vehicle and jurisdiction.
- Can I change my trip after requesting a ride from PQI Airport with Uber?
Down Small Yes, you can change your trip details after requesting a ride from PQI Airport with Uber.
- Can I request a wheelchair-accessible taxi from Presque Isle Airport?
Down Small Although you can’t request a wheelchair-accessible taxi from Presque Isle Airport with Uber, you can check the Uber app for the Uber WAV ride option. With Uber WAV, you can request a wheelchair-accessible vehicle and ride with specialized drivers to assist you.
- What do I do if I forget an item in a ride with Uber?
Down Small You can use the Uber app to contact the driver regarding the lost item. To get started, visit the Uber app and go to the Account section. Choose Trips, then select the trip on which you forgot the item. Next, choose Find Lost Item and follow the in-app instructions.
*The average duration and rate are calculated based on all UberX rides with the Uber app taken to or from PQI Airport over the last 6 months.
**Luggage space is not guaranteed and depends on the number of passengers in your ride and the type of vehicle. Once you’re matched with a driver, we recommend contacting them through the app to confirm.
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