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Helping to end human trafficking

Can ridesharing have an effect on a global problem like human trafficking? We think so.

Human trafficking is the use of force, fraud, or coercion to exploit someone for labor or commercial sex. It affects 40 million victims around the world. As a service that’s on the road, we’re committed to helping end the transportation of trafficked people.

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Protecting children

Our strategy to end the exploitation of children includes partnering with ECPAT, a leading policy organization focused on raising awareness and advocating for policy and legislation.

Adhering to the Code

Our commitment to the issue led us to sign the ECPAT Code, a voluntary industry-driven set of guidelines focused on helping travel and tourism companies prevent child sex tourism and the trafficking of children.

Using our network to raise awareness

Going online for good

With the guidance of ECPAT-USA, the McCain Institute, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, people who drive using the Uber app are learning how to spot human trafficking and what to do when they suspect someone is being trafficked. These online resources include 2 national hotlines that drivers can call to report any suspected activity.