Japan is our fastest-growing market in the world, and it’s only the beginning. Our growing 300 person Tokyo-based team is changing the way people and things move for millions across Japan, with headquarters on the 30th and 31st floors of Mori Tower in Roppongi with breathtaking city views, modern facilities, and uniquely Uber amenities.
Bringing the Future to Today: Making Robot Delivery a Reality
So Funakoshi, Operations and Logistics Manager, was a key member of the team who made the new robot delivery service a reality in Japan. We sat down with him to find out all about it.
How Uber Japan is Changing Attitudes to Helmet Wearing
Uber Japan’s Helmet Club is a good example of how we live our Uber values to make an impact on local communities. We sat down with Yuki Hirajo, Senior Public Policy Associate, to find out more about the Helmet Club and how it’s changing the perception of helmet wearing across Japan.
优步日本的工作环境 #WhyWeUber
我们致 力于重塑人们的出行方式。在此过程中,经常会有人提出这样的问题:优步日本的工作环境是怎样的?在优步日本工作有何不同之处?在工作中,优步最看重的是什么?我们与日本团队的成员进行了交流,以了解 #WhyWeUber
Inside Uber Tokyo
Explore some of our favorite spaces, amenities, and hidden gems at Uber's Japan HQ in Tokyo.
Pride at Uber Japan make an impact
In celebration of our first year participating in Tokyo Rainbow Pride, we caught up with some of the Japan members of Pride at Uber, our Pride Employee Resource Group to learn about their experience and hear what Pride means to them
- 业务发展团队
The Business Development team works on some of the biggest and most impactful charters at Uber including Consumer, Membership, Payments, Travel, Supply and Sustainability partnerships. We are at the core of business strategy, giving you the chance to work with global and cross functional stakeholders.
As a team member, you will #SeetheForestandtheTrees by understanding the big picture of partner selection, the strategic importance of a deal and the impact it will drive for Uber and the partner.
- 沟通团队
Down Small Since Uber’s launch in Asia Pacific nearly 10 years ago, we have seen some big changes in the way we communicate. The Communications team helps Uber tell the big stories. We started with an aggressive growth agenda and while we still have many new customers to reach, we are now focusing on sustainable growth and becoming a trusted partner of governments in the region.
Our work and Uber’s reputation are intimately linked so we aspire to #DoTheRightThing. Our team approaches issues with a progressive and multifocal lense to ensure we #SeeTheForestAndTheTrees.
- 社区运营团队
Down Small 优步以 #BuildWithHeart(用心构建)为工作原则,社区运营团队是践行这一原则的核心团队。优步致力于与平台上的顾客、服务提供者及合作伙伴展开大规模的合作。社区运营团队将优步的每一个新产品、新创意付诸实际运行。这支团队的工作范围触及优步的方方面面。
- 工程团队
Down Small From humble beginnings of ‘push a button to get a ride’ to now ‘go anywhere and get anything delivered’, Engineers are at the forefront of technical connectivity and innovation between enterprise partner systems and Uber. We look for talent that can bring our strategies to life and transform them into scalable solutions to maximize the potential of the ordering experience with Uber.
We are #OneUber. We work together to achieve and celebrate our progress as a unit. Together we build stronger, together we build bigger, together we build better.
- 财务
Down Small The Finance team is at the forefront of decision-making when it comes to new investments and product launches at Uber. We sit at the center of the business, partnering with leadership to support our strategy of making life easier for our millions of customers and allowing hundreds of thousands of drivers partners, courtier partners and merchants to make money. We need to understand every area of the business and how it rolls into the P&L. We #SeeTheForestAndTheTrees by knowing the details that matter.
- 法务团队
Down Small Over the last 10 years in Asia Pacific, we have seen an evolution of legal and regulatory challenges. From being a start-up bringing our service into new countries and cities, we're now focused on working closely with regulators and partnering with them to build a stronger and more sustainable ecosystem for Uber. We face some of the most complex and high profile legal issues in the world. No day is the same, and the legal issues we tackle are just as varied.
We #SeetheForestandtheTrees by being able to know the details and the technical legal issues while also keeping in mind the bigger picture and what the business is trying to achieve will ensure you're a strong legal partner for the business.
- 营销
Down Small Keen to work with the best marketing minds in the region on the biggest consumer opportunities? Look no further than Uber. We’ve come a long way over the last 10 years, from small beginnings launching Uber Black in Sydney, democratising rideshare with UberX around the region… all the way through to launching the brilliant food delivery brand with Uber Eats from Taiwan to Tokyo. Our eyes are firmly set on the future, reimagining the way the world moves for the better every single day.
We #BuildWithHeart. Everything we do is to surprise and delight our users. If you are a go-getter, a fast-moving builder who isn’t afraid to get your hands dirty while managing complex consumer challenges, now is the perfect time to join.
- 运营
Down Small 优步运营团队制定并实施有助于我们实现业务目标的战略。他们在各个地区针对关键挑战和举措统一开展工作,为顾客、乘客、合作车主及派送合作伙伴提供价值和出色的体验。
- 政策团队
Down Small Public Policy at Uber is transformative. The Public Policy team engages policy makers and stakeholders around the world to advocate for the future of mobility and delivery and to demonstrate our value to cities.
We are #OneUber, we work together to achieve and celebrate our progress as a unit. Together we build stronger, together we build bigger, together we build better.
- 人力资源团队
Down Small We believe that our people are the secret to our success. As we grow, scale and diversify our business across APAC, you will be instrumental in partnering with the business to build a world class-employee experience. You will be building end-to-end solutions to meet unique business needs. Uber is fast paced, and this means every role in the people team is exciting and challenging.
Our people team are at the core of our #BuildWithHeart value, ensuring that we are enabling a compelling employee experience. We combine this with an ability to #SeeTheForestAndTheTrees, helping our people and business to thrive now, while planning for, and enabling, future growth.
- 销售团队
Down Small 销售人员是优步的一线团队,帮助世界各地的服务提供者和公司挖掘增长机会、推动产品方向并影响行业变革。他们用心建立并维护人际关系,增加商业机会。
- 安全团队
Down Small 随着优步不断发展,安全团队也需要扩大规模。优步最初聚焦于出行业务,随后又将业务范围扩展到派送及其他领域。在此过程中,我们始终致力于支持优步业务安全、可持续地增长。我们所做的工作富有影响力和创新性,将影响平台上数百万用户的安全,并为行业设定标准。
Asia Pacific
Europe, Middle East & Africa
Latin America
United States & Canada
Inside Uber