Understanding why drivers and delivery workers can lose access to their accounts
On this page, you’ll find information about the most common reasons why drivers and delivery workers may lose access to their accounts, how to avoid it and what to do if it happens to you.
Our commitment to drivers and delivery workers
We’re strongly motivated to keep access to the Uber platform open and to help drivers and delivery workers get online when they want to work. Losing account access doesn’t happen often, but when it does, we know it can be frustrating.
It’s our responsibility to ensure that our processes are fair, accurate and transparent – and that drivers and delivery workers trust that we’re doing the right thing. That’s why we’ve developed the following principles to guide us:
Drivers and delivery workers should be aware of the behaviours that can put their access at risk.
Drivers and delivery workers who have been using the platform for years have built trust with their customers and Uber. Uber may consider time on the platform and number of trips in decisions around access, except for serious incidents.
If any loss of access occurs, Uber will make every effort to be clear, empathetic, consistent in our communications, and specific and transparent about the reasons behind our decisions, except where doing so poses a risk to other users.
Outside of the most serious cases, drivers and delivery workers should have the ability to request a review of any decision that removes access for more than 7 days and can’t be resolved by the driver or delivery worker on their own.
Uber should take a consistent approach to creating, reviewing and changing account deactivation and review standards.
Our account review process
Human involvement
While data and technology are useful tools for improving the safety and security of the Uber platform, manual reviews will always play a role in helping to make sure drivers and delivery workers are treated fairly and that their accounts aren’t affected by fraudulent reports.
Advance notice
Whenever possible, we’ll let you know if you’re at risk of losing access to your account.
However, there are limited occasions when we may need to remove or restrict access without advance notice, such as when:
- We receive reports or information that require immediate action for legal or safety reasons
- At the request of law enforcement and/or public health bodies
- A driver partner or delivery worker has engaged in or is alleged to have engaged in unlawful or fraudulent behaviour against the rules set out in our Community Guidelines
Opportunity to provide additional information
Drivers and delivery people should have the ability to request a review of an account deactivation and provide additional information to support their case, like audio or video recordings. That’s why we built an in-app Review Centre and are continuing to expand it around the world.
Protection from false allegations
We’ve established processes to identify riders and Uber Eats users who abuse our ratings or user support systems, often with the aim of getting a refund. We work to help ensure that allegations made by these users aren’t considered in account deactivation decisions.
Why losing access happens and what to do
The most common reasons why a driver partner or delivery worker might lose access to their account include an expired document or an issue with their background check. That is why we send through reminders when your documents are due for renewal.
Other reasons for deactivations include safety issues, fraud or discrimination by the driver partner or delivery worker. In some cases, when you lose access to your account, it’s temporary while we investigate the report or review documents or while you resolve an issue related to account eligibility, such as an expired driver licence or ineligible vehicle.
We understand that losing access, even temporarily, can be disruptive, so we aim to review each account issue fairly and promptly. If access to your account is temporarily restricted and there are steps you need to take to regain it, we’ll include them in the message we send to you. In addition, you can always contact Uber’s customer support team here for help.
Learn more below about the reasons drivers and delivery workers may lose account access.
Drivers or delivery workers can only access the Review Centre if their account has been deactivated.
- Background checks
Safety is fundamental at Uber.
Depending on whether you drive or deliver, and where you earn, you may be required to provide Uber a background check.
The following may be reasons for losing access to a driver partner or delivery account:
- Previous criminal convictions
- If law enforcement notifies us about a serious criminal charge that is pending
- If your current background check expires and you are yet to renew
- Any serious driving violation, such as DUI, reckless driving or hit and run, within the last 10 years
- Multiple traffic violations or accidents in the last 10 years
- Driving with a suspended licence within the last 10 years
Steps you can take to avoid losing access to your account:
- Respond to requests from the background check provider and/or driver accreditation authority for additional information in a timely manner
- Ensure that you dispute incorrect information on the report with the background check provider and/or driver accreditation authority (who will email directions to you for how to dispute)
- Expired documents
Down Small Drivers and delivery workers must upload all required documents and make sure they’re current and unexpired.
- Safety issues
Down Small Failing a Real-Time ID Check
Uber uses Real-Time ID Check to ensure that the person driving or delivering matches the identity of the person who has passed our screening checks. The real-time photo must match their profile photo.This means you should never let another person use your account, or share your account access details, including username or password.
Delivery people must complete all parts of an accepted delivery request themselves – including any handling after the order is picked up from the merchant, up until final delivery – with no exception.
Examples of common missteps with Real-Time ID Check
- Letting someone other than the account owner take the real-time photo
- Submitting a photo of a photo
- Not taking a clear, well-lit photo that aligns face and neck in the in-app frame provided
- Not updating the profile photo if the driver or delivery person’s appearance has changed
Learn more about photo verification
Dangerous driving
This includes reports that the driver partner or delivery worker has had a crash or traffic citation during a trip or delivery, or repeated reports of poor, unsafe or distracted driving while using the Driver app, all of which are behaviours against our Community Guidelines and may result in losing access to your account.
Impaired or drowsy driving
This includes reports that a driver partner or delivery worker is suspected of driving while drowsy or while under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or over-the-counter or prescription drugs that should not be used before or while operating a motor vehicle.Steps you can take to avoid losing access to your account. Ensure that you are:
- Not driving under the influence of alcohol, illegal drugs or over-the-counter or prescription drugs that should not be used before or while operating a motor vehicle;
- Not driving while drowsy. It is important to make sure you are well rested before driving or riding, remember to comply with any applicable legal maximum driving time limits and take regular breaks when driving or riding for long periods.
Sometimes, riders might leave behind items such as drugs or alcohol or may leave behind scents of drugs or alcohol in the car. If you are a driver partner, it is advisable to check that riders have not left any alcohol or illegal substances behind, to ensure that subsequent riders do not make incorrect reports.
We do not tolerate alcohol or substance abuse on the platform, and in most cases, a report will trigger the temporary loss of access to your account while we look into the matter further. If we determine that there is a legitimate report of use or possession of drugs or alcohol, you will lose access to your account permanently.
Please see our Community Guidelines for more information and tips about impaired or drowsy driving.
Altercations and harassment
Exhibiting aggressive, confrontational or harassing behaviour goes against our Community Guidelines.This includes:
- Using language, making gestures or taking actions that could be disrespectful, threatening or inappropriate
- Sharing graphic images that are sexually explicit or depict physical violence with others, including unsolicited sharing of such images through Uber’s online support systems
Sexual misconduct or assault
Any kind of sexual harassment, which includes sexual assault and sexual misconduct by anyone – including driver partners, delivery workers, riders, Uber Eats users and third parties – is against the law and will not be tolerated on the platform.Uber’s no-sex rule prohibits sexual contact with riders or Uber Eats users, regardless of whether the driver partner or delivery worker knows the other person or receives their consent.
Sexual assault includes physical or attempted physical conduct that is sexual in nature and done without consent, such as touching, kissing or sex. Sexual misconduct also includes non-physical behaviour that is sexual in nature and done without consent or has the effect of threatening or intimidating someone.
Please see our Community Guidelines for more information and tips about safe and respectful interactions.
Use of unapproved vehicles
Only vehicles or other modes of transportation that are associated with a driver partner or delivery worker’s profile are acceptable. This is because in order to be associated with a profile, it has been determined that the vehicle meets your jurisidiction’s minimum requirements.Steps you can take to avoid losing access to your account
- Ensure vehicle information provided to Uber is up to date
- Ensure usage of the correct registered vehicle type to complete trips or deliveries (e.g. using a car to complete deliveries when you have signed up to deliver with a bike is a breach of our Community Guidelines)
Learn more about vehicle requirements
Unsafe vehicles
This includes not maintaining a vehicle according to government safety and maintenance standards. For example, disregarding recalls, ignoring dashboard warning lights or not keeping brakes, seat belts and tyres in good operating condition.Delivery people who ride are also required to comply with government safety and maintenance standards. For example, wearing a helmet that meets the applicable safety standard and use of lights and reflectors.
These requirements differ for e-bikes and bicycles and between different jurisdictions, so you should be aware of the safety and maintenance requirements that apply in your jurisdiction before riding.
- Fraudulent activities
Down Small In order for our platform to operate as properly and safely as possible, we rely on everyone who uses the Uber platform to comply with our terms and refrain from fraudulent activities. We’re always working to prevent and detect fraud that affects everyone who uses Uber.
Uber relies on automated and manual systems, including reviews by fraud specialists, to detect fraudulent activity that violates our terms and conditions. In some cases, such activity may result in deactivation of a user’s account.
Fraudulent activities that may result in account deactivation include but are not limited to:
- Deliberately increasing the time or distance of a trip or delivery
- Accepting trip or delivery requests without the intention to complete them, including causing users to cancel
- Creating fake, duplicate or otherwise improper accounts
- Claiming unwarranted fees or charges, like false cleaning fees
- Intentionally requesting, accepting or completing fraudulent or falsified trips or deliveries
- Claiming to complete a delivery without ever picking up the delivery item
- Picking up a delivery item but retaining all or a portion of the item, and not delivering the entire order
- Disrupting or manipulating the normal functioning of the Uber platform, including the use of unauthorised or manipulated devices, apps or programs to prevent or circumvent the proper functioning of the platform and the GPS system
- Abusing any program, such as promotions or referrals, or not using them for their intended purpose
- Disputing charges for fraudulent or illegitimate reasons
- Falsifying documentation
Fraudulent documents
Altered or false documents are not allowed and are in breach of our Community Guidelines.Reasons why your document may have been rejected:
- Submitting photocopies, scanned documents, phone screenshots or photos of photos, rather than original documents
- Physically or digitally altering documents (such as crossed-outs/whited-outs, unnecessary handwriting and photoshopped documents)
- Submitting a document that is not entirely visible and clear
Identity fraud
This includes a driver partner or delivery worker falsifying information, assuming someone else’s identity, sharing an account with someone else, submitting personal documents that don’t belong to them or attempting to bypass identity verification checks. Identity fraud is in breach of our Community Guidelines.Steps you can take to avoid losing access to your account:
- Always ensure that your full legal name, date of birth and other account information submitted to Uber is accurate
- A driver partner or delivery worker must not represent themselves as someone they are not
- Do not submit documents that either don’t belong to you, or documents that you are not permitted to use
- Do not share your driver partner or delivery accounts with someone else
Fraudulent duplicate accounts
Creating improper duplicate accounts is not allowed and is in breach of our Community Guidelines. If you have an issue with signing into or going online to your account, you should contact Support rather than create a duplicate account.
Financial fraud
Fraudulent activity includes increasing the time or distance of a trip on purpose, abusing fees and promotions and requesting a cleaning reimbursement for a mess that didn’t happen.Steps you can take to avoid losing access to your account:
- Provide clear photos, receipt(s) and accurate trip details when submitting a cleaning fee claim
- Do not encourage riders to cancel a trip for fraudulent purposes
- Do not intentionally increase the time or distance of a trip
- Do not submit false claims for fees or refunds, or abuse offers and promotions
- Do not follow requests from riders or Uber Eats users who ask you to do anything that is against Uber’s Community Guidelines
- Discrimination or refusing service
Down Small A driver or delivery worker can lose access to their account for:
- Discriminating or making offensive remarks on the basis of race, colour, disability, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy, national origin, age, religion, sex, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected under relevant law
- Consistently cancelling trips or deliveries on the basis of the destination or delivery location
- Refusing or cancelling trips for riders because of their service animals, wheelchairs or other assistive devices
Steps you can take to avoid losing access to your account
- Do not make negative comments about someone’s personal characteristics, such as race, colour, disability, gender identity, marital status, pregnancy, national origin, age, religion, sex and sexual orientation
- Where possible, driver partners are encouraged to help fit wheelchairs or other assistive devices like walkers in the car. These devices can often be folded or disassembled to fit in the trunk
- Avoid denying service animals. It is against the law to deny service to riders on the basis of their service animals. Allergies, religious objections or a general fear of animals are not legitimate reasons to deny a service animal. You may clarify with a rider whether their animal is a service animal, and how the animal is trained to assist
- Ratings
Down Small A driver partner or delivery worker can lose access to part or all of the Uber platform for ratings that are below the minimum average rating in their city.
If your rating is approaching the minimum limit, we will let you know and may share information that may help you improve your rating from users and restaurants.
Resources for driver partners
How drivers can avoid low ratings
Resources for delivery workers
How delivery workers can avoid low ratings - Additional information for delivery workers
Down Small A few reasons apply only to delivery workers, including those listed below.
Cancellation abuse
A delivery worker has the right to decline any delivery request offered to them. However, intentionally accepting delivery requests without intending to complete the deliveries and cancelling an unusually high number of deliveries (after accepting the requests) on an ongoing basis may be considered fraud and is in breach of our Community Guidelines.
Steps you can take to avoid losing access to your accountIf you are unable to complete a delivery due to issues that arise (such as a flat tyre), you can contact Support for help.
Food theft
If a delivery worker marks trips complete without having made a delivery or cancels trips after picking up the food and before starting the trip to the drop-off location, this may be considered to be suspected food theft. If proven to be true, this is in breach of our Community Guidelines.Steps you can take to avoid losing access to your account:
- Avoid marking a trip as ‘Delivered’ without reaching the user’s location and delivering the order
- If any issues arise during a trip, you can contact Support for help
Time-on-trip fraud
Frequent delays in marking an order as ‘Delivered’ after drop-off and without providing legitimate reasons may also be considered fraud, which is in breach of our Community Guidelines.Steps you can take to avoid losing access to your account:
- Mark your orders as ‘Delivered’ in the Driver app as soon as you can after delivering the order
- If you encounter connectivity or app issues, you can call Support to end the delivery for you
- Try to avoid intentionally delaying trips
- Community Guidelines for other Uber users
Down Small This page outlines the common reasons drivers and delivery workers may lose access to their account. All users of the platform (including riders, Uber Eats users and restaurants) can lose access for similar reasons. Please see our Community Guidelines for more information on account access loss for all users.
Policy violations: This page outlines common reasons for losing account access, but if a driver or delivery worker violates any terms of their contractual agreement with Uber, or any applicable terms or policies, including the Community Guidelines, they can lose access to all or part of the Uber platform. We reserve the right to deduct, compensate or recover damages related to misuse of the platform from any amount that the driver or delivery worker may have to receive, besides taking the appropriate legal actions. Examples of amounts that may be deducted, compensated or charged if improper behaviour is suspected include, but are not limited to, fees, promotions, referral values, promotional codes, trip prices, trip adjustment prices, cancellation fees, promotional trip prices and miscellaneous payments.