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17 employee incentive program ideas to reward your workforce

Published: February 15, 2024

Employees are the heart of any business, and recognizing them for their contributions is critical to making progress and keeping them engaged. An employee incentive program can help you reward your people regularly. But where do you start, and how do you choose the right incentives?

In this article, you’ll get insights into how the right combination of incentives can make all the difference in employee engagement. We’ll also show you proven ways to drive motivation. All the information here will help you put together an employee incentive program that works for your organization.

What are employee incentive programs?

Employee incentive programs are initiatives that celebrate employees for their hard work and achievements. It’s a way companies can thank their people and go beyond the regular paycheck.

These programs are not one-size-fits-all. The idea is to show appreciation to employees by rewarding them with incentives they’ll enjoy. When incentive programs are done well, companies see the positive impact of this recognition reflected in the day-to-day work environment.

The value of employee incentive programs

Making a business case for any change in an organization is a critical step toward gaining support and implementing your ideas smoothly. Here’s a look at some of the benefits your organization can expect to see with employee incentive programs.

Boosting employee engagement

Engaged employees make an organization successful, but reaching each individual isn’t always easy. Everyone has a lot on their plate, and something new always competes for their attention. Incentives can help keep employees involved and focused.

According to a Nectar survey, 82% of employees agree that being recognized for their contributions increases their engagement. This establishes a clear link between incentives and engagement that every company can benefit from.

Enhancing productivity

It’s no secret that productivity is a big factor in whether any goal is met, but a Zippia study shows that only 7% of employees say they feel productive in the workplace. Many people struggle to navigate distractions; incentives can keep them moving in the right direction.

For some positions, like sales roles, rewards tied to measurable objectives can make the most sense. This can incentivize employees to do their best work and reach important goals faster. Learn more about this in our article “Sales incentive ideas to motivate your team.”

Improving workplace culture

Company culture can be challenging to manage, especially when you’re operating with a remote or hybrid workplace model. Shining the spotlight on your people’s best work and offering incentives is a great way to contribute to a positive, professional environment.

A study from Gallup shows that employees are 68% less likely to experience burnout when they feel connected to their workplace culture. A connected workforce is a happier one.

Attracting and retaining talent

People are more selective than ever about where they choose to work. To get the best of the best on your team, you have to show potential employees that you’re committed to providing a great experience. This also has a massive impact on retention.

Employees are more likely to stay with a company that recognizes their efforts. According to research from TINYpulse, 22% of employees who don’t feel recognized when they do great work had interviewed for a job in the previous 3 months.

Tapping into Uber for Business to expand employee benefits across travel, commuting, and workplace meals is part of Citadel’s ongoing effort to foster a strong culture and take care of its employees.

17 employee incentive program ideas

Need some inspiration to land on the right employee incentive programs to implement in your organization? Here are some of the most effective employee incentive program examples to choose from, and why they work.

1. Team events or retreats

This is a powerful employee incentive idea that can allow distributed workforces to connect—and workforces of all kinds to build stronger relationships. To boost morale, treat your teams to a memorable event when they perform well.

2. Meals

Everyone needs fuel to do their best work. Incentivize employees’ favorite meals, snacks, and drinks. Whether they’re in the office or working from home, you can customize what you offer to suit any taste or let them choose for themselves.

3. Gift cards or vouchers

Give top performers gift cards or vouchers that enable them to choose their own reward. Giving employees the autonomy to select their own reward ensures that they get value out of it. This option also allows you to easily cater to different roles and their unique interests.

4. Travel

Providing travel options, like an airline ticket to a dream destination, a hotel stay somewhere new, or a bucket-list-worthy tour can make a meaningful impact. These incentives can be structured as annual rewards or performance-based milestones, giving employees something to strive toward.

5. Additional time off

Offering additional company-wide holidays or extra paid time off (PTO) is a great option for teams who could use some rest and relaxation. Rewarding your people in this way can also help prevent burnout.

6. Flexible schedule

A flexible schedule lets employees work when they’re most productive. If your organization can accommodate that, your top performers are sure to appreciate it. As long as work is done and targets are met, consider letting your people decide when they work.

7. Hybrid-friendly work environment

Supporting a remote or hybrid work environment isn’t just a passing trend. It can also be an incentive that caters to the evolving needs of the workforce. If your company can’t offer it all the time, you could try making hybrid work a perk employees can earn.

Want to know more about how to provide your hybrid and distributed teams the perks they’ll love? Learn about hybrid work solutions from Uber for Business.

8. Mentorship

Ambitious team members are always looking for ways to improve. Offer an incentive that appeals to their goals. Mentorship helps with professional growth and personal development, while also creating a work environment where knowledge sharing is the norm.

There’s a clear connection between this perk and employees feeling appreciated. According to a CNBC/SurveyMonkey survey, 89% of employees who have mentors say their colleagues value their work.

9. Courses

Reward your top performers with learning incentives to help them grow. Covering costs for specialized classes or certificate programs shows your commitment to their development. This is a win-win: employees enhance their skills, and your organization benefits from the new knowledge they can apply at work.

10. Choice of projects

Having freedom and control over work gives many high achievers an opportunity to thrive. Rotating “passion projects” or collaborations across departments lets team members follow their interests while developing new skills. This independence makes a difference, as data from Effectory shows that 79% of autonomous employees are engaged, are more accountable, and perform better.

11. Personal fitness and wellness programs

Health-related perks can motivate employees while showing that you care about their work-life balance. You may offer gym memberships, yoga classes, or appointments with health coaches to support their fitness goals. Do some digging to find out what appeals to your workforce the most.

12. Raises

Reward your top performers with pay bumps that reflect their value. Matching success with monetary incentives encourages achievement and shows employees you recognize their contributions. Bigger paychecks also help you retain talent by keeping your compensation package competitive.

13. Bonuses

Want to offer one-off rewards for excellence? Try giving bonuses after periods of hard work. You might add a bonus, for example, after a team completes work on a difficult project or after a busy season for your organization.

14. Commissions

Sales may not cure all, but they’re certainly at the center of business success. Offer employees a commission when they contribute to a sale at your company. This way, they always have an incentive to spread the word.

15. Referrals

Tap into your employees’ networks by compensating them when they successfully make a referral. Offering referral incentives can make it easier to get the talent you need in your company more quickly.

16. Profit sharing

The bottom line isn’t a concern only for the C-suite. Increase the organizational focus on profit by tying company growth and profit to incentives. When the company does well, everyone wins and benefits from the gains.

17. Donations

Looking for a different type of reward with far-reaching impact? Make donations to causes your team is passionate about or sponsor volunteer time at organizations they support. Incentives that give back show a connection to your employees’ beliefs and values.

Best practices for employee incentive programs

When it comes to building your employee incentive program, start small. Talk to your people to find out what kind of incentives they’d like the most, and choose a few from the list to get the ball rolling. You can always adjust as you go.

Picking out the perfect incentives is just one piece of the puzzle, though. Follow the best practices below to maximize your organization’s incentive program.

Give frequent recognition

Don’t reward only the big milestones with your employee incentive program. Consider all the opportunities you have to acknowledge achievements, give praise, and express ongoing gratitude. Recognizing contributions early and often reinforces productivity and boosts morale.

Prioritize inclusivity and fairness

Make sure your incentive program is designed to motivate all employees across the organization. An inclusive program that respects diverse perspectives and needs can boost engagement and adoption. The incentives should be accessible and attainable to everyone in your workforce.

Collect feedback

Check in with employees throughout the year to get their thoughts on what's working and what’s not. Creating a feedback loop allows you to keep an eye on engagement levels and address issues quickly. You can create this loop through one-on-one conversations or more formal methods, like regular surveys.

Be transparent

Keep your employees notified about any changes and notable results. Sharing successes demonstrates the incentive program's positive impact. This also can build trust in the program and company leadership.

Plan for the long term

Incentive programs should evolve over time. As business needs and employee motivations change, refresh the program to match. That will allow you to keep pace with industry standards and offer compelling incentives that truly effect change.

Build the perfect employee incentive program with help from Uber for Business

Uber for Business offers an easy way to give back to your employees. Our web-based platform makes it simple to distribute and manage incentives like gift cards and vouchers.

Gift cards: Reward your employees for their hard work with the gift of Uber rides and Uber Eats. Gift cards can be purchased in bulk from multiple countries around the world, so you can reach employees in many locations.*

Vouchers: Show your team you appreciate them by paying fully or partially for rides with Uber and orders with Uber Eats. Voucher campaigns can easily be created and managed in just a few steps, and you pay when the recipient redeems their offer.

All the advantages of Uber that your employees already love, for business

*Gift cards in US dollars are issued by The Bancorp Bank, N.A.