Requirements on the road
To help you stay safe and compliant on the road, this page provides high-level information about local regulatory requirements that may apply to drivers. Please take the time to read and understand your obligations.
Driver requirements
Display sticker/sign
Some regulations require you to display a sign or sticker that helps riders identify that you are a rideshare driver. To help with this, we provide a removable Uber sticker to be displayed on your vehicle whenever you’re online (where required). If the sticker is not properly displayed, or if it’s not visible while you’re driving with the Driver app (day or night), you could be subject to penalties by local authorities.
Driving-hour limits
State and local regulations may enforce limits on the number of hours drivers can spend online on rideshare platforms. To help you keep track of your time online, the Driver app will alert you when you’re approaching the applicable limit, and then again when you’ve been online for the maximum amount of time. After a substantial period of time offline, driving time resets and you can go online again to receive trip requests.
Community Guidelines
Our Community Guidelines were developed to help make every experience feel safe, respectful, and positive. Everyone who signs up for an Uber account across all of our apps, including drivers, riders, delivery people, Uber Eats users, and restaurants, is expected to follow the guidelines. Tap here for more information.
Trade dress
The CPUC requires that drivers must display an Uber trade dress decal on their vehicle while online with the Driver app. Place them on your front passenger windshield and rear passenger windshield facing outward.
Once you are approved to begin driving with the Uber app, Uber will mail trade dress decals to the address in your driver profile. You should receive the decals within 7 business days. If you ever need a new decal after you begin driving with the Uber app, you can request that a new one be mailed to you. You can also pick one up at your local Uber Greenlight Hub. Need a temporary trade dress decal? Print one at home here.
Having Uber trade dress helps riders quickly identify your car so you can start the trip on time. Please be aware that failure to display trade dress on both front and rear windshields when you're online can result in a violation of local ordinances resulting in potential tickets and fines up to $1,000.
If your windows are tinted and the trade dress is not visible from at least 50 feet, please visit your local Uber Greenlight Hub to receive a decal to apply to the exterior of the vehicle.
You do not have to accept a trip with a pet. However, in accordance with accessibility laws, it is illegal to deny a trip because the rider has a service animal. Service animals are trained to do work or perform tasks for an individual with a disability. Emotional support animals are different from service animals and therefore don't receive the same protections under the law.
Riders are not required to present documentation proving that their animal is a service animal. There is no requirement that a service animal wear a tag, be registered, or display any kind of proof that it is a service animal.
In accordance with the law and Uber’s policies, refusing to transport service animals, even once, may result in permanent loss of access to the Driver app.
Age requirements
The CPUC prohibits TNC drivers from transporting riders under the age of 18 unless they're accompanied by an adult.
In California, a rider must be 18 or over to sign up for an Uber account. But if you believe a rider might be underage, you can ask them to confirm their age.
If they're indeed under 18, let them know you that you'll have to cancel the trip. Once you cancel, it’s a good idea to report the situation to Uber by submitting in-app feedback.
Vehicle inspections and maintenance
A vehicle inspection must be obtained from a California Bureau of Automotive Repair licensed facility the earlier of 50,000 miles driven, or every 12 months, regardless of vehicle age, and regular maintenance must be carried out to specific standards.
Driving at the airport
You can get clear, detailed information related to airport pickups by tapping below.
Remember, it is always your responsibility to understand and comply with the law when you’re out on the road. Nothing on Uber’s website is legal or tax advice and, if you have questions about the law, you can always consult your local department of transportation and/or an appropriate legal professional.
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