Flexible weekend jobs in Lake Forest, CA
Earn when you drive or deliver with Uber on weekends. Whether you’re picking up riders in Lake Forest or making deliveries from Elephant Cafe, you can earn on your schedule.
Explore guaranteed perks with Uber
Earning with Uber, even on weekends only, comes with perks you can count on. Learn how drivers and delivery people are rewarded in Lake Forest.
Flexible scheduling
Trade rigid schedules for flexibility. As the boss, you control when you work on Saturday and Sunday.
Online signup process
Start driving in 3 steps: sign up online, get cleared, and activate your account to hit the road.
Instant payment
Pick up riders or deliver orders to earn, then cash out up to 5 times per day with Instant Pay. Terms apply.
Weekend driver/courier (part-time)
Lake Forest
Part-time, flexible hours
Whether you’re looking for part-time weekend jobs, Saturday jobs near you, or Sunday jobs in Lake Forest, consider earning with Uber instead. As a driver or delivery person, you’re empowered to earn when you want during weekends.
Flexible hours and minimal experience are some of the reasons to consider this alternative to more traditional jobs on weekends only. You can help riders move around Lake Forest or make deliveries on your own schedule that fits your lifestyle. Get started in 3 steps: sign up, get cleared, and activate your account to begin earning with Uber.
With these flexible opportunities, no day is the same. You can transport riders to John Wayne Airport or pick up people from Bigshot's Billiards Bar & Grill in Lake Forest. You can also make deliveries from restaurants such as Jack in the Box and McDonald's when you have time in your schedule. Earn all weekend long in Lake Forest, drive and deliver on Saturday or Sunday morning only, or do whatever works best for you. In addition, you can work during the week when time permits. The choice is yours.
You must meet the following requirements to become a driver in Lake Forest: meet the minimum age to drive in your city, use an eligible 4-door vehicle, have a valid US driver’s license, and have at least one year of licensed driving experience (3 years if you are under 25 years old).
You must meet the following requirements to become a delivery person with a car: be at least 19 years old, have a valid US driver’s license, and use a 2-door or 4-door car. To deliver by scooter, you must be at least 19 years old, have a valid US driver’s license, and have a motorized scooter under 50cc. To deliver by bike or foot, you must be at least 18 years old and have a government-issued ID. Whether you’re signing up to drive or deliver, you must submit your Social Security number to pass an online screening.
Uber’s mission is to reimagine the way the world moves for the better. We started in 2010 to solve a simple problem: How do you get access to a ride at the touch of a button? More than 42 billion trips later, we’re building products to help people get closer to where they want to be. By changing how people, food, and things move through cities, Uber is a platform that opens up the world to new possibilities.
Drivers and delivery people with Uber are independent contractors and earning opportunities are available in over 10,000 cities worldwide. Drivers working in other driving industries are encouraged to sign up online, as are rideshare drivers active on other apps.
Frequently asked questions
- Can I deliver or drive part-time weekend hours with Uber in Lake Forest?
Yes, you can choose when you deliver or drive on the weekend in Lake Forest with Uber. Whether you are delivering from Jack in the Box or meeting riders at Tesla, you decide how long you work.
- Can I get paid with Uber on the weekends only?
Down Small Yes, you can earn with Uber on weekends only in Lake Forest. You can make deliveries and pick up riders in Lake Forest when and where you want.
- What are the best weekend jobs in Lake Forest?
Down Small The best weekend jobs in Lake Forest will depend on your preferences. Consider the following flexible alternatives in Lake Forest with Uber:
- Rideshare driver
- Grocery delivery person
- Bike courier
- Scooter delivery driver
- What job can I do on a Saturday in Lake Forest?
Down Small Flexible Saturday jobs in Lake Forest with great earning potential are driving and delivering with Uber. You can pick up visitors from John Wayne Airport or make deliveries from Panda, Ameci Pizza & Pasta , or Starbucks® coffee to get paid in Lake Forest.
- What is a good time to maximize weekend earnings in Lake Forest?
Down Small Consider delivering with Uber Eats between 5-8pm to maximize your earnings in Lake Forest. For rideshare drivers, the busiest time of day to pick up riders in Lake Forest is typically between 7-10am.
- Is driving or delivering on the weekend worth it?
Down Small Getting a weekend job in Lake Forest is worth it if you want to maximize your earnings while gaining experience. Make money when you want as a driver or delivery person in Lake Forest with Uber.
- How much can someone make on weekends with Uber Eats?
Down Small Weekend earnings made with Uber Eats depend on several factors in Lake Forest. Time of day, day of the week, and amount of time spent delivering in Lake Forest are a few factors to consider.
- What are the requirements to deliver or drive on weekends with Uber near me?
Down Small To deliver by car on weekends with Uber, you must be at least 19 years old, have a 2-door or 4-door car, and have a valid driver’s license. To deliver by scooter, you must be at least 19 years old, have a 50cc-maximum scooter, and have a valid driver’s license. To deliver by bike or foot, you must be at least 18 years old and have a government-issued ID. To become a rideshare driver on weekends with Uber you must meet the minimum age to drive in your city, have at least one year of licensed driving experience (3 years if you are under 25 years old), have a valid driver’s license, and use an eligible 4-door vehicle.
Drive your way in the app
Drive your way in the app
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