成为PAWilkes Barre的餐点派送司机
您可以在Wilkes Barre通过 Uber Eats 优食提供派送服务,赚取收入。了解运作方式,并查看入门技巧。
正在 Wilkes Barre寻找派送员职位?
不妨尝试通过优步提供派送服务,这比传统的派送员工作更具灵活性。以下是借助 Uber Eats 优食做自己的老板的一些好处。
Wilkes Barre, PA
在威克斯巴勒通过 Uber Eats 优食提供派送服务,灵活安排时间并赚取收入。除了全职或兼职派送工作、其他兼职、短期工作或季节性工作,通过优步提供派送服务也是个不错的选择。也可能您已经是提供共享出行服务的司机,但仍希望通过 Uber Eats 优食平台提供美食派送服务,以增加收入。优步合作车主来自不同的行业,拥有不同的背景,他们可以自主安排开车接单时间,围绕日常生活来安排工作,而不是让工作主导生活。
要在威克斯巴勒成为派送司机,您必须满足特定要求。无论您以何种方式派送,都需要提供社会保障号码,以便我们进行背景筛查。若要驾驶汽车派送,您必须年满 19 周岁,拥有两门或四门汽车,并持有您本人名下的有效驾照。若要骑滑板车派送,您必须年满 19 周岁,使用排量在 50cc 以下的机动滑板车,并持有您本人名下的有效驾照(注册时,请务必在交通方式下面选择骑滑板车派送)。若要骑自行车或步行派送,您必须年满 18 周岁并持有政府签发的身份证件(注册时,请务必在交通方式下面选择骑自行车派送;在某些城市,请选择骑自行车或步行派送)。
优步的使命是革新并改进人们的出行方式和物品的流动方式。优步成立于 2010 年,当时是为了解决一个简单的问题:怎样实现一键叫车?在完成超过 420 亿次行程后,我们仍在努力开发产品,让人们更方便地出行。通过革新出行、送餐和物流方式,优步平台不断为世界创造新的机会。
优步平台上的派送司机均为独立承包商。他们自主安排时间上线接单,灵活赚取收入。优步在全球 1 万多个城市提供服务。大多数人都可以轻松完成注册。我们欢迎驾驶公共汽车、货车、出租车、加长豪华轿车、餐饮车和商务车等其他车型的用户成为我们的合作车主。我们也欢迎提供共享出行服务以及通过其他应用或服务平台开车接单的司机成为优步合作车主。通过优步开车接单是赚取额外收入的理想方式。您还可能有资格通过 Uber Eats 优食提供派送服务。您可以轻松开始上线接单。
Frequently asked questions
- Is delivering with Uber Eats different from full-time or part-time courier jobs in Wilkes Barre?
Different delivery driver jobs in Wilkes Barre offer different advantages. With some courier jobs, a person might be required to work certain hours on a rigid schedule and have previous delivery experience. With Uber Eats, no previous experience as a courier is required, and you can decide when you want to deliver, and for how long.
- I’m looking for full-time or part-time delivery driver jobs near me. If I choose to use Uber instead, is there a minimum number of hours required?
Down Small No. With Uber, you can get paid to deliver as little or as much as you want. You have the flexibility to be a food delivery driver in Wilkes Barre whenever you choose.
- Where can I find out how much I’ll get paid to deliver?
Down Small It’s easy to track your earnings from deliveries. A monetary amount at the top of your app screen will show how much you’re getting paid to deliver in Wilkes Barre. Look for tools in the Driver app to give you more details.
- What are the requirements to deliver with Uber Eats near me?
Down Small When you become a delivery driver in Wilkes Barre with Uber, you must be at least 19 years old (unless you’re delivering by bike or foot) and have an eligible mode of transportation. You must also submit some required documents, such as a valid driver’s license, or another government-issued ID, should you choose to deliver on foot or a bicycle. And you need to pass a background screening.