How to apply for an operating permit in South Africa
Uber is assisting partners through the Operating License Application process with the Gauteng Department of Transport and local authorities. All Uber driver-partners with vehicles are required to get their respective vehicles licensed. Partners should apply for the license in the city where they operate.
Applying for an operating license in Johannesburg or Pretoria
How the process works
1) Step 1
- Visit the Uber Greenlight hub
- Bring all required Operating License application documents
- A Uber Expert will be there to assist and verify applications before they go the DoT
2) Step 2
Submit your application to your respective:
- DoT Johannesburg
- DoT Pretoria
- DoT Ekurhuleni
- DOT West Rand
- Applications cost R300
- Application receipts must be uploaded to your vehicle’s Uber profile
3) Step 3
- Upload your operating license application receipt onto your profile. The receipt is valid for 6 months.
- Visit the department of transport once every 4 months to check the status of your application
- Request for an application status report (OR02) and upload it on to your profile if granted.
Documents needed
- For an Individual
2 x CERTIFIED COPY of the following documents:
Registered Car owner's ID (RSA ID or passport) / Foreign Passport with permanent residence / South African ID or Home Affairs letter confirming ID applied for.
Certified copy of Proof of address (if black/white); E-bills please print in colour
- Tax Clearance Certificate (Good Standing) with Tax compliance PIN (Not expiring within 3 months of permit application)
- 2 X certified copies of PrDP (If owner drives on system as well)
* Certification stamp dated on date of permit application and original
* Tax Clearance in Personal Name of the Registered Car owner
* Proof of address (utility bills, bank statements, e-toll, store card statements)
* Proof of address in 3rd party requires in addition: Police affidavit and ID
* Each document has to be individually certified with fresh date stamp (Not scanned/photocopied)
* Proxy letter should state registered car owner authorises 3rd party to submit on their behalf
- For a Company
Down Small 2 x CERTIFIED COPY of the following documents for EACH vehicle:
Listed Directors: South African ID; Foreign Passport with Permit/Permanent Residence
CK47 (if black/white). Otherwise please print in colour
Proof of address (if black/white); E-bills please print in colour
Proxy Letter and ID copy of Proxy
Tax Clearance Certificate (Good Standing) with Tax compliance PIN (Not expiring within 3 months of application)
Uber confirmation letter (Only Pretoria applications)
*All documents must be in the name of company (except proof of residence)
*Any address submitted must be in Gauteng
* Certification stamp dated on date of application and original
* Tax Clearance under Registered Company
* Proof of Address under company
* CK47 (please print entire document-all pages)
* Each document has to be individually certified with fresh date stamp (Not scanned/photocopied)
Johannesburg and Pretoria licenses FAQs
- What does it cost to apply?
Down Small It costs R300 per application (one application = one vehicle). This payment is made when a driver-partner submits their application to the Department of Transport.
- Do I have to go to the department?
Down Small Yes to submit your operating license application. And subsequently every 4 months to check the status of your application.
- What is a Letter of Designation?
Down Small This letter is proof that a partner has registered to apply for a Operating License and is obtained during the preliminary application process.
- How do I obtain an Letter of Designation?
Down Small Uber will assist you to obtain the letter. Please visit the Uber offices from 9 AM - 3 PM to and bring with all of the required documents (as stated above).
- What can I use for as proof residence?
Down Small - Bank Statement
- E-toll Statement
- Police Affidavit and certified ID copy from property owner stating vehicle owner resides at that address (if vehicle owner does not possess any proof of address in their names)
- E-bills (printed in colour if possible)
- Utility bills
- Store card bills/statements
- Letter from local councillor
** Note: All proof of addresses should be within Gauteng province.
- Do I need a SARS Tax Clearance Certificate?
Down Small Yes, it needs to clearly state that the applicant is in “Good Standing”
- What is a tax Clearance Certificate and authentication PIN?
Down Small A Tax Clearance Certificate is issued by SARS to all taxpayers for tax compliance purposes and is valid for 12 months.
Individual Tax Clearance Certificate MUST always state; “Good Standing”. While Company Tax Clearance Certificates may either state “Good Standing”.
An Authentication PIN is used to verify your Tax compliance status (TCS). It’s usually 10 characters (numbers or alphanumeric). Third party uses your PIN to access ONLY your TCS. All other tax information remains secure.
** Note: The Tax Clearance Certificate SHOULD NOT be expiring within 3 months of your application for the Operating License.
- Where do I get a Clearance Certificate and authentication PIN?
Down Small For people registered on eFiling, these can be printed from your eFiling account on your computer. Alternatively, these can be obtained from your nearest SARS offices for non registered e-filing users.
To register as an eFiler, visit the SARS eFiling website and click on REGISTER. It should only take you five to ten minutes to go through the six-step process.
Depending on your needs, you can register as an individual taxpayer or as a Company. SARS will recognise you as an electronic filer once your eFiling registration is complete.
- I’m the operator but I don’t own the vehicle ?
Down Small The owner has to apply on his/her own, to avoid unforeseen circumstances because the application will require his own information, unless he/she officially appoint an agent (with an official letter) to process the application. However, the application will still require to be processed on his behalf.
- Should I use a consultant or an agent?
Down Small It is advisable to do it on our own. The owner has to apply on his/her own, to avoid unforeseen circumstances because the application will require his own information, unless he/she officially appoint an agent (with an official letter) to process the application. However, the application will still require to be processed on his behalf.
- How much do I owe Uber?
Down Small Uber is acting as a link between partners and the Department of Transport and thus, no amount is required except to pay the Department to process the application.
- How long will it take?
Down Small We are unable to determine the length of time it takes the Department of Transport to process an application. It may take up to 3 or more months.
- If a vehicle is still owned by the bank (not yet paid up), how will I certify my documents as I do not have an original copy, i.e. COR?
Down Small Certified copies or approved stamp of authority can be obtained from the bank that is financing the vehicle, as well as the dealership incorporated.
- I have a Tourist or Charter operating License, can I use that?
Down Small NO, only metered Taxi licenses are accepted Metered Taxi Service.
- What’s the difference between the Charter and the Metered Taxi Operating license?
Down Small A Charter is an affiliation (a partner who belong to an association), whereas the Metered Taxi Service is a individual ownership.
- What are the opening hours of applications at the Uber offices?
Down Small Pretoria Opening Hours:
9AM to 3PM Mondays to Friday
Johannesburg Opening Hours:
9AM to 3PM
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed
- E-filing procedure
Down Small To register as an eFiler, visit the SARS eFiling website and click on REGISTER. It should only take you five to ten minutes to go through the six-step process.
Depending on your needs, you can register as an individual taxpayer or as a Company. SARS will recognise you as an electronic filer once your eFiling registration is complete.
- I’m the operator but I don’t own the vehicle?
Down Small The owner has to apply on his/her own, to avoid unforeseen circumstances because the application will require his own information, unless he/she officially appoint an agent (with an official letter) to process the application. However, the application will still require to be processed on his behalf.
- What happens once I get the License from the Department of Transport?
Down Small All the three pages including the annexure need to scanned and uploaded for the vehicle.
Where should I apply for my operating license?
Applying for an operating license in Cape Town
Submit your business plan
Complete the form to apply for your business plan.
Follow this link:
Be aware that we will not be able to answer any specific questions about your specific license application. Any partner that has a vehicle/s on the platform can apply for an operating permit.
Please take note:
- The TYPE of property you submit in your business plan has to match the documents
- Residential property does not qualify as a business address. If property is zoned as residential it will be subject to residential document submissions and restrictions
Documents to submit
Proof of parking by business address
MAX 5 permits can be supported
- Lease agreement greater or equal to 1 year (nothing less than a year accepted) / tax invoice of parking/ parking quotation
- ID of business owner or company registration documents – must be linked to business plan submitted
Any business address submitted must clearly state the parking spaces available
Proof of parking by Apartment (Rented / Owned)
- ONLY 1 Permit can be supported
- Permission from Body Corporate
- Applicant has permanent parking space (no more than 1)
- Applicant is allowed to park business vehicles on premises
- Municipal rates bill or equivalent indicating erf # (or address)
- ID of tenant (if applicant) OR Homeowner (if applicant)
Proof of parking by residential address (Owned by applicant)
ONLY 1 Permit can be supported
Municipal Rates bill or equivalent indicating erf # or address
- ID of Home owner and Tenant
Proof of parking by residential address (Rented by Applicant)
- ONLY 1 Permit can be supported
- Municipal Rates bill or equivalent indicating erf # or address
- ID of Homeowner
- Valid lease or letter from owner stating that applicant is allowed to use premises
Cape Town license FAQs
- How long will the process take? Do I get updates?
Down Small Once we have submitted all of the applications to Transport for Cape Town, there will be updates to partners regarding the status of their applications as they move through the process. No timelines have been established as yet. We are working closely with the city to ensure the process is fully transparent and completed within a reasonable timeframe.
- How are partners selected for the process?
Down Small To be fair to all partners, the oldest permit applications will be processed first. Going forward, we will continue the process from oldest application to newest, and we will prioritise partners with vehicles on the platform.
- I operate a business from a residential address, can I apply for 5 permits?
Down Small NO, unfortunately NOT. You can only apply for 5 permits if the property you are registering has been specifically zoned for business.
- I have applied for more than the stated number of permits
Down Small As part of the new application process it was required to cede all previous Operating License applications and start afresh. All applications made to the city will be NEW and we will prioritise partners with vehicles on the platform. We are working on getting as many applications processed as possible, in as short as possible time. At this stage you can only apply for one set of permits to a maximum of 5.
Applying for an operating license in Port Elizabeth
The Metered Taxi Operating license is a required document and your vehicle will not be able to operate on the Uber Partner App without it.
Required documents
- Certified ID or Company Registration Documents
- 1 x FORM 1B complete per vehicle
- Complete For Meter Taxi
- Passenger Count: 4+1
- Descriptions of Route details
- Cost: R 300 per Form 1B
- 1 x Form 10 completed - Commissioner of Oaths required
- Vehicle Roadworthy Certificate
- License Disk
- Tax Clearance Certificate
- Insurance documents
- Meter and vehicle Certificates
- Any other documents deemed necessary by PRE
The application process
1) Complete documentation
Complete all required documentation as mentioned above.
2) Submit Application & Pay
Submit the required documentation to the Department of Transport and Pay R 300 per application.
3) Upload Receipt onto Profile
Upload the proof of submission documentation onto partner’s profile. Each vehicle must have a an application loaded.
How to uplift your operating license
1) PRE Hearing
Each applicant makes representations to PRE PRE denies/issue OL with Conditions.
2) Submit Operating License Documents
Submit all necessary Operating license documents to uplift operating license to the PRE.
3) Upload Operating License on Partner Profile
Upload the valid Operating License.
Port Elizabeth license FAQs
- Why do I need to get my operating license?
Down Small Due to legal requirements all Uber Partners are required to have a valid operating license.
- How long does it take to get my Operating license?
Down Small It is estimated that the entire process should take 6-8 weeks.
- Where can I get applications?
Down Small Applications can be collected at the Uber Greenlight Hub at Father’s House Church.
Address: 20 Park Drive, Port Elizabeth Central
- Where do I apply for an Operating License?
Down Small Applications have to be submitted to the Department of Transport:
Eastern Cape Department of Transport - 51 Goven Mbeki Road
- How much does it cost?
Down Small The cost is R300 per application 1 Vehicle will need 1 Application (2 Vehicles need 2 applications etc. )
- I have just applied, what now?
Down Small Please upload your “Receipt of Payment” click on the link below and complete the submission to the “Operating License from Department of Transport”. This will be a temporary document and will expire once you upload your actual operating license.
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