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Invite friends and colleagues at US-based companies to sign up for Uber for Business. You could both earn a $50 Uber voucher for rides and deliveries with the Uber and Uber Eats apps.


  • 提交


  • 分享


  • 赚取奖励

    如果被推荐人在创建账号后的前 60 天内消费满 $100,那么你们双方都将获得 $50 的优步代用券。须遵守相关条款。*



  • 推荐人必须是美国境内使用优步企业版的组织的成员,并且必须在截止日期前提交推荐。*

    被推荐人必须使用优步发送的推荐链接,创建归属地为美国的新优步企业版账号,并且创建账号后 60 天内的消费金额要达到 100 美元。

  • 要提交推荐,请登录优步企业版操作面板:

    1. 从菜单中选择您的账号个人资料。
    2. 点击按钮,参与推荐奖励计划。您将看到一个推荐表格,您可以在表格中输入您要推荐使用优步企业版的好友或组织的联系信息。
    3. 表格填写完毕后,我们会将注册链接和说明发送到您提供的联系电子邮箱。
  • 您可以推荐任何位于美国的个人,条件是他们可以为位于美国的组织创建优步企业版账号。推荐奖励的货币为美元。

  • 在 3 个月内,您最多可获得 10 次推荐奖励,每次可获得 $50 的优步代用券。也就是说,您总共可获得高达 $500 的优步消费金。消费金可用于个人行程和订单派送服务。

For more information, see the full FAQ or contact us

*By submitting a referral, you agree that you’ve gotten consent for Uber to contact the referee about this offer. Referral reward of $50 per referee is valid until 8/29/2023. To earn the reward, a referrer must (1) submit the referral before 6/30/2023 and (2) be part of an organization with an active Uber for Business account (“Account”) within the US.

Additionally, the referee organization must (1) use the referral link sent by Uber to create a new US-based Account and (2) spend at least $100 using such new Account within 60 days of its creation. Referrers can only earn up to 10 referral rewards in a 3-month period, without express written approval from Uber.

This offer is valid only in the US and in USD. This offer replaces any referral amounts Uber has previously offered. Uber reserves the right to limit, withhold, or deduct payments or rewards if we believe they were fraudulent, illegal, in error, or in violation of terms. Offer and terms are subject to change at any time. Additional terms apply; see such terms here.